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"Jesy. Jesy get up", Jade said hovering over her. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?" "Your mom let me in. She said you were still sleeping so I came upstairs and woke you up. Good Morning." Jesy covered herself and turned her head to the side. "Jesy. Get up." "Five more minutes or maybe the whole day." Jade shook her head and pushed Jesy of th he bed. "Oww...I hate you. So much." " is Saturday and do you know what that means?" "No and whatever it is o don't wanna know." "Niall and I are helping you today. We're getting you a girlfriend today", she said. "I thought that you were secret girlfriend." Jade looked down and rubbed her arm. "Uh...but if it's secret, you have to cover it up by dating someone else." "But I don't wanna cover it up. I can't fake date someone and love you, it'll be weird", Jesy said. "We'll figure something out. Just please do this today." "Fine, you owe me one though.

"Oh my god Jesy! You look amazing!", Jade said clapping and jumping. "Really?" "Yes you do." "Thank you. I hope thing goes awful so I can be with you." Jade smiled and zipped up Jesy's dress. "You ready to go?" "I really don't want to do this." "You have to. Do it for me", Jade said then kissed her forehead. "Fine." Jesy made a face at Jade and looked at herself in the mirror. "I guess I could go, I do look quite beautiful", she said posing. "Good I'll drop you off!" "Jade wait." Jesy pulled Jade close to her body and kissed her. "Now we can go", Jesy said. "Ok." Jade walked outside and Niall started waving. "You look beautiful Jesy, she's waiting by the restaurant", he said. Jade stepped inside with Jesy and Niall started the car and drove off.


"We'll pick you up later, call us ok?", Niall asked. "Ok see you later. Thanks." Jesy looked around and saw a girl in a black skirt and fancy white shirt. "She's pretty, not as pretty as Jade." "Hey, your Jesy right?", she asked. "Yup that's me." "Hey, I'm Gabriella. Nice to meet you." " too. Ready to eat?" "Sure." Jesy walked inside and the waiter led them to their table. "So tell me about you. What are you like?", Gabriella asked. "I'm just a normal girl who likes a lot of stuff you don't need to know a lot." "Oh. My turn I guess. I like music, drawing, playing basketball, I dance. I do ballet, it's actually fu- Are you listening to me?" What? Oh sorry I just got a text from my friend. What were you saying?" "Never mind, our food is coming." Jesy sighed and looked at her phone again.

JADE: How's the date goin so far?

JESY: :( awful. I hate this idea she's not even my type...I may leave early so meet me @ my plc.

JADE: Kk. Try 2 have fun!

JESY: Watever.

"So uh...thanks for tonight", Jesy said. "Sure...maybe next time we could actually talk about ourselves more." "Yea good night." Jesy rolled her eyes and started running to her house and saw Jade sitting on the steps, waiting. "That was a stupid date. It sucked", Jesy said and Jade laughed. "Did you at least have fun?" "No. I'm never doing it again. Wanna come inside?" "Yes." Jesy up opened the door and her dad and mom were yelling at each other. "I CAN'T ACCEPT MY DAUGHTER BEING A LESBIAN! NOT ACCEPTABLE!", dad yelled. "SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER! HOW CAN YOU NOT EXCEPT HER FOR WHO SHE IS!?" They both looked at her and Jesy looked down and ran upstairs. "Jesy, wait." She ran to her bedroom and locked the door and jumped on her bed. "Jesy, are you ok?", Jade asked. "No. Who father-my own father wouldn't accept me for who I am." Jade sat on her bed and hugged her. "I'm sorry." "You know what don't be, I don't care what he says. He can't stop me from doing this." Jesy turned Jade around and leaned on top of her and kissed her.

Jade kissed her back and Jesy quickly took Jade's shirt off and kissed her neck. Jade unzipped her dress and smiled. "JESY OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Jesy shook her head and felt Jade's hand touch her waist. "I'M ONLY TELLING YOU THIS ONCE SO YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR!", He yelled again. She slipped off Jade's pants and heard someone banging on her door. "I'M GONNA BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR!" Jesy stopped kissing Jade and started breathing hard. "Jesy...I'm scared what do we do?", Jade asked. Jesy panicked and covered herself and heard the door open. "Honey, she's sleeping", mom said. "I don't believe it. Where did that other girl go then? The window isn't opened so that obviously means their both under the sheets." Jesy heard footsteps coming closer and grabbing the sheets, yanking it. "What. The. HELL IS GOING ON!?" "Dad, I can explain." "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

 Jade sat up and sighed but Jesy grabbed her hand. "She's not going anywhere", Jesy said glaring at her dad. "Jesy, this is my house and I say she has to leave. I WILL NOT ACCEPT A GIRL HAVING SEX WITH MY DAUGHTER!" Jesy held Jade tight and watched her father yell at her mom. "SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!", Jesy yelled. The room was quiet and everyone looked at her. "You guys, stop yelling. I love Jade and dad, you can't stop me for being who I am. I love her and that's that. Now get used to it cause if your not, I'm leaving. I'll find somewhere else to live. I can pack right now", Jesy requested. "Jesy, don't leave. Unlike some people I'm glad you told me about you and I'm glad your now with this beautiful girl", mom said. "Obviously another person doesn't." "I can't deal with this bullshit. I'm going out" dad said. "Jade, get ready I'll walk you home", Jesy whispered and Jade nodded slowly.


"Jade has been acting weird for the past....month. I wonder what's going on with her." Niall walked through the halls and caught Jaded attention. "Hey Niall what's up?", she asked. "You and Jesy, been acting weird around me are you gonna tell me something?" "I'm not acting weird. I'm perfectly fine." She was about to walk away but Niall pulled her and tried to kiss her but she pulled away. "What the hell Jade? Now you don't wanna kiss me? What's wrong with you?", Niall asked. "Nothing." "Jade, tell me. I wouldn't care if your cheating on me or something. I just want to know." "Well that was dumb of you to say. I already know you'll be heartbroken if I was." "Just tell m-." "Hey Jade", Harry said walking up to her. "Get the hell away from her", Niall snapped and pushed Harry to a wall. "Niall leave him alone he changed!", Jade yelled. "He's the one who.....did you know what!" "I don't care let's go Harry." Harry smirked at Niall and walked with Jade.

Niall punched a locker and sighed. "Great. She's now trusting Harry, the one who was about to kill her. Why is she so stubborn?"


"Step two completed now on to the rest of them." "Thanks for sticking up to me", Harry said. "Welcome." "So I was wondering if you want to hang out with me tonight." "Sure. I have nothing to do anyways and I need to take a break away from Niall." "Good. Meet me by the pond near that park", he whispered in her ear. "Ok see you later."

*Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk*

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