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Now the story is almost over :(. This part is the most important part. Little James has grown up and is now 5 years old and Jesy is hoping for a great answer from Jade. Niall and Perrie moved in a apartment and are still dating. Now let's get to the story shall we?


"Ok, I'm gonna do this today. Should it go like this: Jade we've been dating for a while and I love you so much Not like that. What is she says no? It'll break my heart." Jesy sighed and walked over to James. "Hi mommy. Wanna play with me?", he asked. "Why not?" She sat in front of him and started playing with the trucks. "Mommy?" "Yes?" "Can I have another brother? I really want one." She played with his brown and red hair, "We'll try, now go watch tv. I have to make a phone call." "Ok."

JESY: Mom.

MOM: Did she say yes? Did you ask her?

JESY: Not yet...can you take care of James later on?

MOM: Is Jade home?

JESY: .....Now she is. Hurry.

"MOM!" "Hi James did you miss me?", Jade asked. "Mommy took care of me!" Jesy smiled and gave Jade a kiss then took James. "Jade, we're going somewhere tonight", Jesy said. "Am I coming too?", James asked. "Not tonight. Another time but grandma is coming to see you." "Ok." "Where are we going and why?" "You'll see."

"Thank you again mom, bye!" They walked outside and drove to a restaurant. They took their seats and ordered their food. "I feel bad for leaving James alone", Jade said. "Tonight is our night plus my mom is taking care of him. He'll be fine and once we get home they'll probably be sleeping." She looked down and took a deep breath. "Can you believe this? It's almost like it was yesterday. We were in high school and now look where we are." "It's gonna be better though. Trust me." "Can we get drunk tonight and book a hotel room?" "Sure. Umm...Jade I uh-." "Our food is here!" "Oh." Jesy looked down as the food came and looked at her hands. "What's wrong?", Jade asked. "I'll tell you after we eat." "Ok." They finished eating and Jesy took Jade's hand. "Are you gonna tell me now?" She sighed, "Jade, I wanted to tell you this for a while now and I don't know what you'll say. I asked your parents and they said it's fine and I love you. All the hard times we went through, I promise will never happen again. I'll protect you Jade, I'll keep you safe and with me at all times. I want to stay and live with you forever; as long as I live." "I want to too." She got on her knee and opened a little box with a diamond ring. Jade gasped and covered her mouth. "Jade Amelia Thirlwall, will you marry me?" "Oh my gosh....yes, yes, yes!" She jumped on Jesy and gave her a kiss. Jesy put the ring on Jade's finger and smiled. "I thought you'll say no." "How can I say no to you? I love you so much."


"I don't know how to tell him." Perrie knocked on the door and it opened. "Aunty!" "Hi James!" She picked him up and pinched his nose. "James, what did I say about opening the door?", Jade asked. "Sorry." "Hey Perrie, what's up?" "I need to talk to you and Jesy." "Aunty, can you play with me?" "Later, I have to talk to your mothers." "Ok." Jesy walked over and sat next to Jade. "What did you want to talk to us about?" "I think...I think I'm pregnant." "Isn't that a good thing?" "I don't know how to tell Niall." "Why? How!? What!?" "I don't know. I'm scared and I don't know for sure yet." "Just tell him! I'm sure he'll accept it plus we have some news for you." "What is it?", she asked. "Jade and I are engaged!" She jumped and hugged both of them. "Oh my god! Congrats! Can I see the ring!?" Jade showed the ring and James came out crying. "Woah, James what's wrong?", Jesy asked. "Nobody's playing with me." "I'll play with him. Have fun with your fiance Jesy." James led Perrie to his bedroom and they sat on the floor. "So James I have a question for you." "Yes?" "If I was gonna have a kid, would you be happy?" "Yeah! I can finally have someone to play with and it'll be great!" Perrie smiled and pinched his cheek. "Maybe it wouldn't be so bad", she thought.

"Mmm....where huh?" "Hey Perrie", Niall said. "What? I was with Jade, Jesy and James." "You fell asleep while you were there. You know their engaged right?" "Yeah, I'm happy for them. Can I uh...tell you something or ask you something?" "You can ask me anything." "What do you think about having a kid?" "I don't know, I haven't been thinking about it. Why?" "Well I uh...I think I'm pregnant." There was a silence in the room and Niall got up. "Niall wa-." "How do you know?"  "I uh.." "HOW DO YOU KNOW!?" "Because....I didn't check yet." The door slammed and she slid to the floor. "This ruined everything. I have nobody to call, should I call my mom? This is so hard." She looked through her contacts and sighed. "Here goes nothing..."

ARIELE: Hello?

PERRIE: It's Perrie, can we meet up somewhere?


Jade kept looking at her ring and smiled. "Do you like it?", Jesy asked. "I love it. I can't keep my eye off of it. Thank you again." "You made my way the life it is. I would've never been the same if I didn't talk to you." "Hey Jess, I always wanted to know something. Who did you lose your virginity to?" "You." She gasped, "Your lying." "Nope. Lauren was my first girlfriend, a secret one. She always tried but I wasn't ready yet. You were my first time." "Aww so, did you think of the wedding date?" "Hmm...I was thinking May 2nd. Surely James's teacher wouldn't mind." "I guess. We'll think about it. I have to do some work." "Aww, no family time? James wanted to go out to dinner and watch a movie." "Fine. JAMES GET DRESSED!" He hopped inside and smiled. "We're going out?", he asked. "Yea get dressed." They all got dressed then walked into the car and drove to restaurant. "Mommy, can we get a dog!?" "I don't know, I already got you and Jade to care of and that's enough." "Well I have to take care of you!", Jade said pouting. James bounced up and down in the chair and said gibberish words. "Mom, can I have a brother?" Jade looked at Jesy and winked. "We can try. We'll see what happens ok?" "The food is here Jade and don't even think about it tonight." She smirked and began eating.

Jade woke up with Jesy on her and found both of them naked. She kissed Jesy's nose, "Babe, it happened again. Get up." "Mmm....we're not setting a good example for James are we?" "No, get off me. Get dressed." "No we're not finished yet. More." "JESY! OFF! NOW!" "Fine." She sat up and covered herself then stared at Jesy. "Enjoying the view?", Jesy asked. "A little. We should start making breakfast." "You have to get dressed you know." They got dressed and smelled something burning. "What's that- JAMES!?" "Hi mom! I made you guys toast and orange juice." James looked down at the toast, "Sorry that it's kinda burnt." Jade rustled James hair and kissed his cheek then looked at the plate. "Thank you." They sat down and started eating. "Time to play!", James said running away. "I think we're taking good care of him." "Yea...he's growing up so fast. Hey look there's a card on his chair." Jade picked up the card and read it out loud: "Dear moms', I'm glad I was born and soon to grow. I want to say this in many ways, congrats to the day you got engaged. I love you." They walked in James room and hugged him. "Did you make this by yourself?", Jade asked. "Grandma helped me." "Your the best, thank you." "Your welcome."


Niall opened the door and found Perrie on the couch watching tv. "I'm back", he said. "I can see, I'm not blind." "So uh....I'm sorry." "You just barged out when I said I think I am. Keyword, think! I can't believe you did that." "I'm sorry ok!? I didn't know how to react!" "I'M NOT OK!? I SAID I THOUGHT I WAS! I CHECKED WHILE YOU LEFT ME AND IT'S NEGATIVE!" He sat next to her and took her hand but she pulled away. "Now I know how you'll react when I am", Perrie said. "I don't think I'm ready yet." "You look ready to me. I think you'll be a good dad." He raised an eyebrow, "But...your talking about James? Oh." "Just please Niall. Promise me you'll try ok? Cause when I am pregnant, I would need you to be there for me." "I promise. I'll try." Niall walked outside with his hands in his pocket and let out a breath. "I'm gonna try. Whenever I'm gonna be a dad, I'll try. I promise Perrie."


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