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Perrie stopped kissing Niall and looked around. "Don't you ever get the feeling your being watched?", she asked. "No." He tried to kiss her again but she sat back. "I'm gonna look around." She got up and looked around, noticing Jesy sitting alone. "Hey Jesy. What are you doing here?" "I was on a date with Jade and she went....somewhere. She just ruined our date." "Oh. Sorry about what she did?" "I don't care. Have you seen her though? I have to take her home." Perrie shook her head and shrugged. "I can help you though." "Thanks." Perrie helped Jesy up and and called out Jade's name. "JADE!? JADE!?", she yelled. "I can't find her." "I looked everywhere. Maybe she went home." "Now I'm really mad at her", Jesy said. Perrie looked at her phone and put it back in her pocket. "I uh...have to go. Good luck finding her", Perrie said. She walked up to Niall and sat next to him. "Where were you?", he asked. "I was helping Jesy out. Jade walked away somewhere and never came back." "I have a question for you." "Can it wait? I'm tired", she asked. "Yeah. I'll walk you home." "Thank you."


Jesy slammed her locker and sighed. "Hey." she rolled her eyes and started to walk away. "Are you mad at me?", Jade asked. "No duh." "Is it because of yesterday?" "Again, no duh." "I'm sorry." "Don't be. You ruined our date. Keyword, date and you just run off? It doesn't work like that and you just come and say sorry? Don't", Jesy said angrily. "I said I was sorry! Why can't you accept that?" "That's all you ever say! Everything bad that happens you say sorry and think it's ok. It's n-." Jade kissed Jesy but she pulled away. "I can't do this anymore Jade. I think we need to-." "Break up? So this is it? We're breaking up?", Jade asked. "What? I wa-." "Forget it. Don't say anything. Bye Jesy." "But....I." She already walked away. Jesy slid to the floor and buried her head in her legs.

"You ok?", Perrie asked. "Yea I'm...fine." "You sure? You look like you've been crying. A lot." "I've been but I don't wanna talk about it. I'll start crying again." "Tell me. Please", she begged. "Jade and I broke up. I tried to tell her that we need a break from each other but she assumed I'll say break up. So now it's over." Jesy started crying again and covered her face. "Oh. That's sad. I'm sorry." "Its fine. I'll be fine." She put her head down and pushed her food away. "Your not eating because you and Jade broke up?", Perrie asked. "I'm not hungry right now." "Sure. Excuse me, I need to speak to Niall." "Ok. See you later." "Jesy, Jesy, Jesy. I heard about you and Jade. I am so sorry", Ariele said. "Why are you sorry?" "I feel your pain. But you need to move on. Find somebody else. Here, meet Abigail." "Hi", Abigail said blushing. "This is very nice of you Ariele but I'm not ready to be in a relationship. Thanks for trying though." "It doesn't have to be a relationship. I just want to get to know you better. Can we meet later on?" "....Fine."


1 Week Later....

Niall walked towards Jade who was sitting alone at lunch. "Hey", he said. She didn't say a word. "You look like you haven't eaten in days or slept. Is it because of Jesy and the breakup?" Jade shook her head. "At least eat something. Want a apple?" "I don't want to speak." He sat down and held her chin up then put it down. "Eat something for me." She took the apple out his hand and bit it. "There you go. What's wrong?", Niall asked. "I don't know why I said those words. I'm not the same without her. I cry every night cause I don't have her and I'm barely eating. I know it's not good for me but it's hard to eat now and I really hate saying these words but I really want her back. Who knows what I'll do next? Kill myself? I could just think about this stuff and do it. I'm depressed Niall. Depressed. I need help." Niall watched her cry and took her hand. "Come. You have to tell Jesy this. I'll walk you there." They both got up and walked out the cafeteria. He saw Jesy making out with Abigail and shook his head. "Umm....Jade, you don't want to come out. Tell her tomorrow", he said. Too late. He bit his lip as Jade cried again. "Jade?", Jesy asked. "Go away." Niall stopped Jesy, "Don't get her. She needs time alone."

"She's depressed Perrie. She said she cries every night. We need to get them back together. So I invited Jade over and Jesy so they can get back together. But I need a plan", Niall said. "OOH! I HAVE A PLAN! So when they come over we give them drinks. Alcohol is in their cups. When they drink it, who knows what they'll do later on?" The bell rang and Niall opened it. "JADE!" He lifted her up and hugged her while spinning around. "Hi", Jade whispered. "Niall, she looks depressed", Perrie whispered. The bell rang again and everyone turned around. "Who's that?", Jade asked. Perrie opened the door and Jesy came out. He looked at Jade who was crying again. "I think I'm leaving." "DON'T! Umm....have something to drink guys", Niall said handing the cups to Jade and Jesy. 

30 minutes later...... 

"Is it working?", Perrie asked. "Let's see." "You know what I know guysh?", Jesy asked. "What?" "I-I-I'm a leshbian. Jade, I think your shexshy." "Really?" "Yesh." "Caushe I think your shexshy too. I like you. A lot." "Wanna..wanna....wanna go upshtairsh?", she asked. "Yesh." They got up and walked away. "I hope this works", Niall said. "Me too."


Jade felt someone's arms wrapped around her and saw Jesy. "Oh my god", she whispered. She looked under the covers, seeing herself naked and Jesy. "Oh my god." Jade heard Jesy getting up and screaming. "OH MY GOD! WHY AM I NAKED!? WHY ARE YO-. Jade, did we just.....?", Jesy asked. "Umm....yea. I think so." "Did you take advantage of me? I can't believe you would do such a thing after we broke up! What the hell is wrong with you?" "I didn't take advantage of you. We must've drank something. But I'll never take advantage of you......I love you." Jade blushed and rubbed her arm. " love me?" "Yes. Without you, I'm nothing. I was depressed Jesy. I didn't eat for days and I cried every night because of our break up." She walked closer to Jesy and touched her cheeks then kissed her. "I can't Jade....I already have a new girlfriend. I'm sorry I just can't." "Oh. Ok." Jade watched Jesy get dressed and leave.

"How are you today Jade?", Niall asked. "More depressed than ever. I don't wanna do anything today." "Oh. I think I'll spend the rest of the day with you." "I wanna be alone." She turned the corner and ran into Jesy. "Uh...hey", Jesy said. "Hi." "I'm going to leave you two alone." Jade's head went down, "How are you and Abigail?" "We broke up actually. I didn't really feel what she felt so I broke it off. Your eyes are puffy and tired." "Yea. I'll wash my face in the bathroom." "I'll come with you." They walked in the bathroom and Jade started crying. "Woah, what's wrong?", Jesy asked. "Th-this is where we first....where we first kissed." She felt Jesy pick her up and put her on the sink. "Jesy, what a-." "You were on the sink like this, I was like this and this happened." Jesy kissed Jade and she kissed back and smiled. "There's that smile I know. Now, would you be mine again?" "I wish you'd ask that day's ago."

*Wow.........happy once again!*

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