Chapter 36

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Harry, Niall and I walk inside the bar and it's already pretty crowded. Although Harry and I haven't exactly been in a great mood with each other today, I wanted him to have fun on his last night here so he agreed to go out with us. We decided to come to our usual Friday spot here in town, they usually have good live music, the crowd is around our age and we usually have a great time.

"Well, let's go get some drinks," Niall says not wasting any time once we are inside.

"Sounds like a plan," I say as Niall starts walking towards the bar, Harry follows him and I walk behind them.

"Jenny?!" Someone calls my name from behind making me turn around.

"Oh my God, Alex?!" I say surprised as he pulls me into a tight hug. Alex went to school with Niall, Ash, Marcos and I. We were always good friends but when we graduated he went straight to the army and I hadn't seen him since.

I search for Niall and Harry after I break from our hug but apparently they didn't notice that I stayed behind since I see them standing close to the bar. As if on cue, Niall turns to look our way and I wave at him. He sees Alex and waves at him too. I see him whisper something to Harry who then turns around to look at us but quickly turns his attention back to Niall.

"So, how's it goin'?" Alex asks looking down at me with a smile. I'm amazed at how different he looks. In High School he used to be this skinny, longhaired kid who mostly wore rock band t-shirts. Actually, that's how we became friends, talking about bands and exchanging music. Now he looks like a completely different person with his military buzz cut and his tight fitting shirt showing a very fit and muscular body.

"I'm doing great, and you?" I reply smiling back at him.

"I'm wonderful, finally got a leave to come home for Christmas! It's been 3 years, can you believe that?" He says.

"Must be hard not being able to come home for the holidays," I say sympathetically.

"Yeah, but enough about me. Tell me about you, are you enjoying your college life?" He asks.

"It's great, actually it's a lot better than I thought. I really love Berkley," I tell him. Of course, it's gotten a lot better since I bumped into a certain someone in that hall last October.

"That's good to hear, you look amazing by the way," he says smirking at me.

"Thanks, you're looking good too," I say shyly shifting my attention towards the bar.

"So, are you and Niall still playing together?" He asks when he notices me looking at Niall and Harry.

"Yeah, the band's still alive, can you believe it?" I say turning my attention back to him.

"That's pretty cool. I was your number one fan, remember?" He says smiling widely.

"Yeah, I think you never missed a gig," I say with a chuckle. It's true he was always there at all of our gigs standing in the front banging his hair to the beat. I couldn't picture him doing that now, he looks so serious and mature, I wonder if there's anything of that teenage boy left in him.

"Yeah, I miss those days, rocking with you guys ..." he says nostalgically. "Gosh, my hair! Do you remember how long it was?"

"I know, you look so different now, almost like a completely different person to be honest," I say.

"Well, it's hard not to change after you've seen the things I have, but ... there's still a little bit of that kid somewhere in here," he says touching his chest and smiling sweetly and I think I can see traces of that boy who is now almost gone.

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