Chapter 4

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"There you are!" Ashton says as I come out of Niall's bedroom making me jump.

"Shit Ash, you scared me!" I hit him on the shoulder and he pretends to be hurt.

"So, you and Niall?" He wiggles his eyebrows up and down, "I knew this was gonna' happen sooner or later."

"Shut up, there's nothing happening, you know he's like my brother," I tell him bluntly as I walk towards the bathroom and he follows behind.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, so do you know a guy named Harry Styles?"

"Why do you ask?" I stop and turn around to face him. He bumps into me since he's looking at something in his phone. What is it with people walking and checking their phones? Jesus!

"Well, he started following us on twitter and sent us a song request," he says looking up from his phone, his curly hair falling on his eyes. I have to admit, Ashton is a very good-looking guy and I love his curly hair, but he's not my type. Then again, I don't think I even know what my type is.

"Yeah, so?" I cross my arms in front of my chest and look at him arching my eyebrow.

"He's asking for a song called In Your Arms," he says furrowing his brow. I freeze at the mention of the song, of course he had to request that song, MY song. There's no way I'm going to sing that song in front of a bunch of people, it's too damn personal.

"I don't know any song with that name," I lie and turn around entering the bathroom.

"Me neither, but I asked him and he tweeted back saying 'ask Jenny, she knows'," he leans on the door frame as I turn on the water to brush my teeth.

"I don't know what he's talking about," I say and start brushing my teeth.

"You're such a bad liar, Jenny," he chuckles and moves closer to me, "you know the song don't ya'?"

"Okay, I know the damn song, but we're not playing it, end of discussion," I glare at him.

"Jeez, you're in a crappy mood today," he says shaking his head.

"Leave me alone Ash," I storm out of the bathroom and go straight to my room closing the door with a loud thud. I knew it was a bad idea when Ashton said we should start a twitter account for the band, I hate all this social networking shit. That's why I don't have twitter, Facebook or any of that crap.


"Jenny, can I come in?" I hear Niall's voice on my door. I've been in my room all day, Ashton was right I'm in a crappy mood. I'm tempted to tell Niall to just leave me alone, but I know he will be worried.

"Yeah," I say just loud enough for him to hear. Niall walks in and sits on the edge of my bed facing me.

"You okay?" He says looking at me worriedly.

"I'm alright," I say with a shrug sitting cross-legged.

"Jenny, come on, you're clearly not alright," he says crossing his arms in front of his chest and looking at me with an arched brow, "tell me what's wrong."

"It's nothing Niall," I look down at my hands, avoiding his eyes, "I must have PMS that's all."

"Sure, if it's just PMS then I'm freaking Slash," he moves closer to me and puts his hand under my chin tilting my head up so I have to look him in the eye, "Jenny what are you not telling me?"

"It's nothing Niall, I swear, I'm fine, see," I force a smile and he narrows his eyes, I know he's not buying it.

"Well, let's see, first you tell me you don't like this Harry guy, but you say you don't even know why although I'm quite sure you do. Then last night, you have a nightmare, which you haven't had in a long ass time but what a coincidence that Harry kept staring at you all night and you were obviously pissed about it and yeah, I did notice, I'm not that stupid. Then Ash tells me you were pissed this morning when he told you about a song Harry requested, " he rubs his chin with his hand thoughtfully, "okay, so what the fuck did Harry do to you?"

"Who said it had anything to do with him?" I spit out.

"I'm not an idiot, Jenny," he glares at me crossing his arms. I stare back at him thinking of what to say, should I tell him the truth or make up a lie? Ugh, I hate lies.

"Okay, fine," I know he's going to think this is stupid, but he won't let it go if I don't tell him, "it's his eyes."

"His ... his eyes? What the fuck?" He looks at me confused.

"Yeah, they're the exact same fucking color as-"

"Luis," Niall finishes for me and sighs.

"Yeah," I look down at my hands, "I know, it's stupid."

"Jenny, for God's sake, you know how many men have green eyes? What are you gonna' do, avoid green eyed men for the rest of your life?"

"Well, no but-" I sigh, he does have a point, I can't freak out every time I see a man with green eyes. The thing is, this had never happened to me before, there's just something about the way he stares at me. I run my hands through my hair, "it's not just the color, all I know is when he looks at me, it's like ... it's as if ... it was Luis." Even saying his name makes me cringe.

Niall takes my hands in his and rubs them with his thumbs. He's quiet for a few minutes, looking down. I know he doesn't like to talk about Luis either, he knows how much I suffered because of what he did to me, and I know he suffered too. If Niall hadn't been there for me, I honestly don't know where I'd be right now, probably dead.

"Jenny, Luis is never going to hurt you again, you know that," he looks at me in the eye and I nod in approval, "and don't worry about this guy, he seemed fine to me, you're probably being paranoid."

"Yeah, I guess," I shrug and he smiles.

"Besides, you have Niall here to keep you safe," he winks at me as he flexes his biceps and kisses one and then the other, I start to laugh.

"I feel safer already," I say rolling my eyes still chuckling.

"Hey, don't make fun of my guns," he says pouting.

"Niall, you in there?" I hear Ashton's voice through the door.

"Yeah," Niall says and looks at me and I nod, "come in." I hear the door open and Ashton's footsteps as he walks towards the bed. He looks at the two of us and rolls his eyes.

"You guys should really just pick a room and rent the other," Ashton says and Niall and I just glare at him, he's always making jokes about us being together, I think he doesn't get it.

"Anyway, Marcos is picking us up in five," he scratches the back of his neck, then looks at Niall, "you still coming right?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute," Niall says.

"Okay, hurry up then ," Ashton says and walks out.

"I'm going out for some drinks with the boys, wanna' come?" Niall tells me as he gets up from the bed.

"Nah, I'm not in the mood," I say bringing my knees close to my chest and wrapping my arms around my legs.

"You sure? I can stay here if you want, we can watch Netflix or something," he says as he looks at his reflection in my dresser's mirror.

"I'm fine, go have fun with the boys, I'd be the only girl there anyway," I say as I watch him while he fixes his hair using my hair products.

"How do I look, hot enough?" He says turning around to face me wiggling his eyebrows up and down and striking a pose. Niall's a cutie, no doubt about it, with his blue eyes and his blonde streaked hair and that sweet, sweet smile of his. I remember when I was younger, I used to have such a crush on him but then ... life happened and everything changed.

"I'm afraid to touch you 'cause I might get burned," I tease him and he laughs.

"Okay, call me if you need me," he kisses the top of my head and walks towards the door, he stops and turns around, "and stop thinking about that asshole Luis, okay."

"Yeah," I nod my head as he walks out humming some tune. I let out a big sigh, I wish it was that easy to just forget about everything that happened.

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