Chapter 25

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I get into Marie's car carrying the four lattes and the bag of muffins that I just bought.

"God, it's freezing outside!" I say as I close the door. I put my hands in front of the air vent letting the heat warm them. Marie takes one of the lattes and puts it in the cup holder before shifting the gear to drive.

I'm grateful she offered to give me a ride, last night we had another snow storm and today the temperature is way too low to be walking outside. Harry and I agreed to meet at his dorm room to finish the song that is due tomorrow, apparently he convinced his roommate to let us use his production equipment. To tell you the truth, I'm kind of nervous of being in his dorm room.

"So, are you going to tell me what's going on with you and Harry?" She asks as she focuses on driving out of the small parking space.

"Nothing, what do you mean?" I ask her trying not to show my nervousness.

"Oh come on, don't play dumb with me, Friday night you guys were walking around holding hands and then Ash told me that Harry left with all of you while his friends stayed there. So something is going on." She looks at me arching her eyebrow.

"We weren't holding hands, he was basically just leading the way through the crowd," I say in defense.

Oh Jenny, quit fooling yourself.

"Really?" Marie says sarcastically.

"Yeah, I mean, it wasn't like we were romantically holding hands because oh we're so in love," I reply throwing my sarcasm back at her although I can't deny I've been thinking about this since Friday night. I haven't seen him since then but he's definitely been on my mind. A little bit too much, I may say.

"You like him don't you?" She asks and I can see the smirk in her face.

"I-" I pause for a moment not really sure what to say. The truth is that I have all these feelings inside that I need to sort out. I let out a frustrated sigh. "Honestly, I don't know."

"Hmm, I think you do, probably more than you want to admit. There's nothing wrong with that, you know? I know you probably have an internal battle right now because of your relationship with Niall and all that shit, but like I told you before, you have to start thinking about yourself. So, don't feel guilty about it, it's your life after all, not anyone else's and you deserve to be happy Jenny."

"Are you implying I'm not happy right now?" I ask her sounding harsher than I mean to. Am I happy though?

I think you know the answer to that.

"That's not what I meant," she says in a low tone.

We both stay silent but inside my head wants to explode. I hate to admit that she may be right, I wish I could be more like her, unlike me, she always seems to know what to say or do. She's wise beyond her years, but me, I'm just a mess.

Marie lets out a long deep breath before she brings the car to a stop and shifts the gear to park. I unbuckle my seatbelt and grab the lattes, the muffins and my bag.

"Thanks for the ride," I say unlocking the door. I know I should say something else to her, but I don't.

"Jenny, wait," she says as I'm about to get out. I turn to look at her, she's looking at me with a serious expression on her face. "Look, I know I'm probably just Ashton's girlfriend to you, but I consider you my friend and I'm used to always be giving advice to my friends because for some reason they're always coming to me for it. I know you didn't ask for my advice so I'm sorry if it bothered you, ok?"

"It didn't bother me, Marie. I consider you my friend too," I say. I let out a sigh and roll my eyes. "And you're probably right anyway."

"Yeah, not to brag or anything, but I usually am," she says with a light chuckle. "One last thing, don't think too much about it, you'll drive yourself crazy. Sometimes you just have to let yourself go. Believe me, life's all about taking risks," she says and winks at me.

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