Chapter 37

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I splash my face with cold water and look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are puffy and red and there's no way I can hide that I've been crying but I've been in here too long and I'm sure Niall, Harry and Alex must be worried.

I wipe my face and walk out of the bathroom with my head down avoiding anyone in my path. When I get near our table I notice only Niall and Alex are there and they are actually talking to some girls. Shit! I don't want them seeing me like this.

Where the hell is Harry?

I look around but don't see him anywhere. I try to make eye contact with Niall, when he finally looks my way I signal him to come over.

"Where's Harry?" I ask him as soon as he's here.

"He said he wanted to get some fresh air, are you ok? You look like you've been crying. Something happened between you two, didn't it? Harry looked pretty upset," he asks putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I say letting out a sigh. "I better go find him, can you bring me my jacket and my bag?"

"Sure," he says and walks over to the table to get my things.

"Thanks babe," I tell him when he comes back.

"Hey, are you sure you don't wanna' talk?" He says looking at me with his brow furrowed.

"I'll tell you later, I need to talk with Harry first," I say putting my jacket on.

"Ok, call me if you need me," he says before I head straight towards the door.

I rush outside but find no signs of Harry. Where the hell did he go? I take out my phone and dial his number, no answer. I try again, no answer. I give it one more try but still no answer. I leave a message and try texting him instead but he doesn't reply.

"Fuck!" I say out loud and almost through my phone to the ground in frustration.

I try to think where he could have gone, he doesn't know his way around here and that freaks me out. This is not the safest place to be wandering alone at night, especially if you're not from here.

I decide he can't be that stupid, so I start walking home. Meanwhile I keep calling his number, but now it's going straight to voicemail. I leave him another message and walk fast, almost jogging down the street. If he doesn't want to talk he could at least text me that he's ok, right? But no, I guess that's how pissed he is.

I reach our building, but he's not standing outside as I was hoping he'd be. Now I'm really freaking out. I dial his number again, voicemail.

"Dammit Harry, where the fuck are you?!" I yell at the phone angrily. May be he got lost, or even worse what if something happened to him? God, I feel terrible, this is all my fault.

I sit down on the front steps trying to figure out what to do. Where should I look? May be I should call Niall to help me. I'm about to dial his number when I hear footsteps. I look up and I see Harry walking towards the building.

I jump up and run to hug him. "Thank God you're here," I say while holding on to him but I let go as soon as I realize he's not returning the hug.

I try to catch his attention but he won't look me in the eye, he keeps staring at a distance. "Why didn't you answer any of my calls? I was so worried," I say.

He just shrugs his shoulders without even looking at me. I've really outdone myself this time, he probably doesn't want to talk to me ever again.

"Listen Harry, I can explain," I say calmly hoping he'll let me.

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