Chapter 6

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"No shit, he said that?" Niall says and starts laughing. I've been telling him about how Harry turned out to be in m y songwriting class while we have lunch.

"What's so funny?" I ask him and take a bite of my sandwich.

"Are you kidding? That's like the lamest pick up line I've heard," he says and eats one of his fries, "I want to have a better view," he says imitating Harry's deep voice and accent and starts laughing again. His laugh is so contagious that I can't help but start laughing too.

"I told you he was a dork," I say once I'm able to contain my laughter.

"I bet that dork gets lots of girls, though," Niall says as he takes a bite of his burger.

"Why you say that?" I furrow my brow. Somehow, I highly doubt that's true.

"He's tall, good looking, long hair and has a fucking British accent," he says as he keeps count with his fingers, "Isn't that the man all you girls dream about?"

"Well, not me," I say crossing my arms over my chest. I'm not like most girls after all, I like the more grungy types and I could care less about his freaking accent. I don't find him good looking anyway, he creeps me out is what he does.

"He's got hair like Eddie Vedder's, isn't that like your dream guy?" Niall looks at me and smiles.

"You know Ed's my man, but he looks nothing like him, in his dreams," I say as I picture Ed banging his head on stage, I've been a fan of his since I discovered Pearl Jam's music back in middle school, they're one of my favorite bands. I suddenly remember Professor Sheeran's meeting at 2 o'clock. I look at my watch, its 1:30. Good, I still got some time.

"What's wrong, you have to go or somethin'?" Niall asks as he works on finishing his fries.

"What are you doing after lunch?" I ask him, I don't want to go to Professor Sheeran's office by myself, I'm kind of paranoid with these things. Who can blame me after what I've been through?

"I've got class at three, why?" He furrows his brow.

"Well, Professor Sheeran said he wants to discuss something with me in his office, can you come with me?" I look at him with pleading eyes.

"Yeah, sure, but you think he'll want me there?" He says taking a sip from his soda and adjusting his Yankees snapback.

"You can wait outside, I just ... you know how I am with these things." I look down at my half eaten sandwich, maybe I shouldn't be so paranoid, but it's hard for me to trust men. The only man I really trust is seating right in front of me.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, don't worry babe, I'll wait outside," he says with a wink, then looks at my sandwich, "So are you eating that or what?"

"Nah, I'm not that hungry, you want it?" I offer him my plate.

"Thought you'd never ask," he smiles and grabs it from my hand.


"I'll be right here, scream if you need me," Niall says as he leans against the wall and takes out his phone.

I walk slowly towards the door, I don't know why I'm so nervous. I knock softly on the door, I can hear footsteps and soon the door is open.

"Miss Rodriguez, right on time," he smiles and gestures for me to come in, "Please come in."

I look at Niall whose leaning on the wall checking his phone, he looks up at me and winks and mouths "You'll be fine".

 I give him a small smile and walk in. Prof. Sheeran walks in right after me closing the door behind him. I seat down on one of the chairs in front of his desk. I look around, he has a few guitars on their stands, next to them there's a keyboard. On the walls he has a few posters, mainly album covers, I instantly recognize The Beatles' Abbey Road, and Pink Floyd's The Wall. I guess we have similar tastes in music.

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