Chapter 32

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"Good morning beautiful girls," Harry says in a raspy voice as he enters the kitchen. I turn to look at him and jump when I find him right in front of me. I hear Mia giggling next to me.

"Hi, did you sleep well?" I ask him trying to ignore the fact that he looks extremely sexy in his sweatpants and white t-shirt.

"Yeah, you?" He asks.

"Well, a certain someone," I look down at Mia. "Wouldn't stop snoring."

"Is that so?" He says in a playful voice. He crouches so he's at eye level with Mia and pokes her stomach. "Are you a little bear?"

"No," she says giggling.

"Are you sure?" He asks arching his eyebrow.

"Mhm," Mia says nodding her head.

"I knew it, you're too pretty to be a bear," Harry says winking at her.

"So, who wants scramble eggs?" I ask looking at them.

"Me!" They both say raising their hands up.

"Ok, why don't you two go set the table then?" I say taking out three plates and some silverware and giving them to Harry.

"I don't snore and there's plenty of space on that sofa bed if you can't sleep," he says close to my ear and I feel a shiver down my spine and my cheeks start to flush. He walks out of the kitchen with Mia leaving me thinking about that Thanksgiving night when he slept in my bed and how good it felt to wake up cuddled in his arms.


"We get off on the next stop, Mia you hold my hand real tight ok?" I tell Mia who's sitting on my lap looking a little bit scared by the amount of people around us. I don't blame her, even I feel uncomfortable when the subway is this crowded.

I decided to take Harry and Mia to Manhattan to see the Christmas decorations but I'm starting to regret the idea already, I forgot tomorrow is Christmas Eve and how busy the city gets on days like this.

"I can carry her if it's easier, at least until we get out on the street," Harry says. I look at him skeptically but after a good look at the crowded subway car I decide it will be much easier that way.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Mia, is it ok if Harry carries you?" I ask her and she just nods.

"Ok, come on pretty girl," Harry says getting up and offering Mia his arms as the subway slow down to make the stop.

I get up and stand next to them ready to walk out as soon as the doors open. I'm surprised when his hand reaches for mine and our fingers automatically intertwine as if they were two puzzle pieces meant to fit together. He looks down at me giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "Don't let go, ok?"

"I won't," I assure him and he smiles at me softly.

I take a moment to observe him, the way he holds Mia and she grabs on to him looping her tiny arms around his neck. The firmness in the way he holds my hand pulling me closer to him, the concentration in his face while he waits for the doors to open. He's the perfect gentleman trying to protect us, I smile at the thought and just then I realize how happy I feel right now, I wonder if he feels the same.

We make it out of the subway station without much trouble, Harry's height and strength is definitely an advantage for situations like this. Once outside Harry puts Mia down and lets go of my hand. I zip Mia's coat all the way up and put on her beanie and her mittens.

"There you go, now we're set, I don't want you catching a cold or something," I say once I'm done planting a small kiss on the tip of her nose.

"You're going to be an excellent mom someday, you know?" Harry says looking at me with a warm expression in his face.

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