Chapter 34

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"Jenny! Harry! Wake up!" I hear Mia's voice in the distance as my body tries to wake up.

"Come on you guys! Wake up already!" Mia's voice seems to be closer now. I open my eyes slowly, the first thing I see is Harry's back and then I realize my arm is slung over his torso. I move my arm away and sit up quickly finding Mia standing next to the bed looking at us while mom stands by the door smirking. I can tell by the look in her face what she's thinking and I curse at myself internally for giving her more reasons to believe she's right.

"She's been up since seven and she wanted to wait for you two to open her presents but she's running very impatient already," mom says.

"What time is it?" I ask in my groggy morning voice. I notice Harry is still fast asleep next to me and hasn't even flinched. Must be a blessing to be able to sleep like that, I lost that ability years ago.

"Nine thirty," mom says looking at her watch.

"We'll be right there, just give me a few minutes baby, ok?" I say talking sweetly to Mia.

"Ok, but hurry up, there's a big present for me!" Mia squeals all excited before she runs out the door.

Mom takes a look at Harry and eyes me suspiciously. "Just friends huh?" She says arching her eyebrow up, her lips curling into a smirk. I roll my eyes at her. "Don't take too long, she's driving me crazy," she complains before she closes the door.

I sink back into my pillow letting out a small huff, she's never had much patience with Mia, I guess some things never change. I tilt my head to the side watching Harry fast asleep, I wish I could just stay here and cuddle next to him for a while but I can't let Mia down like that.

"Harry?" I say close to his ear. He shifts on the bed lying now on his back but doesn't wake up. I hover over him studying his face taking in every single detail. He looks so peaceful that I almost feel bad for having to wake him. "Harry, wake up," I say a little bit louder this time shaking his shoulder a little bit.

This time he opens his eyes and seems a little bit disoriented at first until he focuses on my face and his whole expression changes. "Hey beautiful," he says softly while his lips curl into a small smile. Just hearing his voice and the fact that he calls me beautiful makes me feel warm inside.

"Hey," I say returning his smile.

"Where's Mia?" He asks without taking his eyes away from mine.

"She's waiting for us to open her presents," I explain pointing towards the living room.

"Oh, so we have to get up then?" He says sounding disappointed and I don't blame him God knows I would rather stay here with him also if I could.

"Sadly, yeah," I tell him nodding my head. He reaches up and runs his hand through my hair, his eyes slowly studying my face.

"That's very sad indeed," he says as he shifts his focus down to my lips.

Maybe Mia could wait a little bit longer ...

I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts. "Well, I'm gonna' go brush my teeth, don't want to keep Mia waiting," I say sitting up nervously.

"Of course not," he says but doesn't move, a hint of disappointment laced in his tone.

"Um, can you ... you know ..." I motion for him to move so I can get off the bed.

"Damn, I thought you were going to climb over me," he says playfully looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Hey!" I complain hitting his shoulder and earning a small chuckle from him before he moves to let me climb out of bed.

"Jenny?" He calls out as I walk towards the door.

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