Chapter 30

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Harry opens the door of the guest room I'm supposed to sleep in and turns on the light switch still holding my hand.

"I'm gonna' grab my pajamas," I say letting go of his hand. I walk towards the bed, sit down and bend forward trying to get my boots off but start feeling kind of dizzy so I sit back up quickly and the room starts spinning around me. I close my eyes to try to make it go away, but it doesn't.

"Jenny, what's wrong?" I hear Harry's voice in front of me and feel both his hands grabbing my face.

"The room ... is ... spinning ..." I say slurring my words with my eyes still closed.

"Open your eyes love," he says and I start to open them slowly. My vision is kind of blurry and I can't seem to focus seeing things double. "Try to focus on me." He tilts my head up a little bit and I search for his face, after a little bit of struggle I'm finally able to focus my vision.

"Hey," I say smiling at him. "Can you ... take off my boots ... I ... "

"Sure, I can do that," he says in a very soft voice. He releases my face and crouches on the floor to untie my boots. I watch him silently and decide to take off his hair tie making him look up instantly. "What are you doing?"

"You look so much hotter with your hair down," I say running my hands through his hair.

"Oh, so you do think I'm hot?" He asks with a smirk in his face.

"I think you're a dork ... but your hot too ... you're a hot dork," I say and start laughing. He rolls his eyes at me and I just keep playing with his hair. Damn, he really is hot ...

"There, better now?" He says standing straight after he gets my boots off.

"Yeah, thanks," I say wiggling my toes. "I'm gonna' go change and freshen up a bit," I say pointing to the door.

"Ok, I'll go with you," he says offering me his hand.

"Nice try Ariel, but you're not seeing me naked, sorry," I say getting up.

"I'll stay outside the door, just in case you get dizzy or something," he explains.

"Ok, whatever," I say rolling my eyes at him and taking my backpack which he grabs from me. I start walking towards the door a little bit unsteady on my feet. Harry seems to notice and puts his arm around my waist to help me. We walk out to the hall and pass the room where Niall is supposed to sleep. I stop and look at Harry. "Do you think Niall and Steph are in there doing it?"

"What? Why are you asking this?

"Is that the room where you fucked her? Oh wait, don't tell me is the other room 'cause I'm not sleeping there then," I say shaking my head in disgust.

"Jenny, what the hell? Why are you even bringing this up?" He looks at me with a deep frown. Great, now I've upset him.

"Well, first it was you, now it's Niall. Why does she have to go after all the men I care about? Can't she find someone else?" I say sounding quite annoyed and Harry looks down at me with a huge grin. "Why are you smiling like that? It's not funny! It pisses me off!"

He runs his hands though my hair pulling it away from my face and I immediately tense, what is he doing? He looks down at me with his usual smirk. "You know, I think I like this drunken side of you, I wish you were this blunt when you're sober. You always seem so scared to express what you feel."

I don't say anything and look at his necklace instead. I take the cross in my hand and have a sudden flashback of the picture where Liz was wearing it. Will someone ever love me like he loved her? Will I ever be able to have that? Probably not.

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