Chapter 5

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The rest of the weekend went by fast. On Sunday we spent half the day in one of the practice halls trying new songs for the band. It turned out we had quite a few requests, apparently we are more popular than we thought. Ashton insisted that I should create a twitter of my own so I could interact with fans, but I refused. He even showed me some of the tweets, I read things that went from 'Jenny you have a great voice' to 'Jenny you're a hot piece of ass' to much more obscene things I don't want to repeat. There's no way in hell I'm getting an account, the last thing I need is to have males stalking me and saying dirty things to me online.

It's now Monday and I'm headed to Prof. Sheeran's class. Even though he's strict I really love his class and he's actually one of my favorite professors, he's a really cool guy. I enter the room which is still more than half empty and sit on my usual spot in the front row. I take out my notebook and put my headphones on to listen to some music before the class starts, I choose Jason Mraz's new album, his voice is soothing and his music always puts me in a good mood.

I open my notebook and start writing down some ideas for a song, I'm so involved with this that I hadn't even noticed that someone had sat on the seat next to mine until I feel a tab on my shoulder. I turn my head to the left and I'm so startled that I even drop my pen. I bend down to get it, but he beats me to it.

"Thanks," I say as he hands me the pen, I turn my music off and take my earphones out.

"You're welcome," he says with a dimply smile.

"What are you doing here?" I ask confused, don't tell me he's stalking me now.

"Mm, I take this class," he looks at me in the eye, something inside tells me to look away but then I remember what Niall said and try to hold his gaze, but fail miserably.

"You do?" I furrow my brow, and he nods, "but I've never seen you here before."

"That's because I always sit down there," he says pointing to the last row, "and you're always here in the front plugged in your own little world." He touches both his ears referring to my earphones. So, he has been watching me all this time? That's kind of creepy. And what's with that thing on his head, I mean it's not really a bandana like the one's Ashton wears, it's like a scarf or a turban, what the hell?

"Oh," I say and look down at my notebook, "so what made you move up front?"

"I want to have a better view," he says with a smirk. I'm pretty sure he's not referring to having a better view of the professor. I shift on my seat uncomfortably and look at my watch, where the hell is Prof. Sheeran? There's still more than five minutes left for class to start, damn, why did I get here so early? Oh yeah, I didn't want to be late, of course.

"What were you listening to? Don't tell me it was one of those crappy boy bands," He asks pointing at my earphones and making a funny face.

"No, no boy bands." His face makes me chuckle, "it was Jason Mraz."

"Good choice," he gives me a thumbs up and a dorky smile just as I see Prof. Sheeran walk in with his usual cup of tea, I swear I've never been happier to see him.

The class starts right away and I immediately turn my attention to the ginger professor. Half way through class, Harry leans closer and places a piece of paper on my notebook. I turn to look at him and he mouths 'open it' and winks. I roll my eyes at him and open it. I'm surprised by his neat handwriting, that's unusual for a guy.

Doesn't Ed (Prof. Sheeran) look just like Chucky from the Ruggrats?

I look up, oh my God, he does look like Chucky with those glasses on. I cover my mouth with my hand to try to hold my laughter, but it's too late.

"Miss Rodriguez," Professor Sheeran looks at me and I bite my lower lip, shit. He walks a little closer, "do you care to share what's so funny?"

I can feel my cheeks starting to turn pink from embarrassment, I want to punch Harry so bad right now. I hear Harry clear his throat beside me.

"It was my fault, sir," Harry says, his voice sounding even deeper than usual. Prof. Sheeran looks at him and sighs.

"Well, save your jokes for later Styles," he says and continues with the class.

I'm so pissed at Harry for embarrassing me. I make an effort not to even look at him. He leans closer again and drops another piece of paper. I huff and open it, what the hell does he want now?

Sorry about that, you have a nice laugh though.

I write back, Stop passing stupid notes, we're not in freaking High School and pass it on to him. I hear him mutter "party pooper". I just ignore him for the rest of the class although I can feel his constant stares.


When class is over, I start gathering my things and make an effort no to look to my side, I can feel him staring at me and it's creeping me out.

"Miss Rodriguez," Prof. Sheeran says as I stand up from my seat.

"Yeah?" I look up at him and he gestures for me to come over. Great, don't tell me he's going to say something about me laughing in class. I pick up my things and walk over to him.

"I really enjoyed your band on Friday, lots of talent there," he tells me as he goes through some papers he has on his desk.

"Thanks, we try our best," I say, I wonder where this conversation is going to. This is not at all what I expected to hear.

"I want to discuss something with you," he looks at his watch, "but I have another class in ten minutes, can you stop by my office later?"

"Mmm, s-sure, what time?"

"Does 2 o'clock sound good?" He looks at me, his tone suddenly sounding a lot less formal than usual.

"Yeah, 2 o'clock is fine," I nod.

"Okay, well, see you then," he says with a smile.

"Okay," I smile back and walk towards the door as he goes back to his paperwork. I wonder, what could he possibly want to discuss with me?

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