Chapter 7

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Yesterday I got home exhausted, we ended up practicing again until nine o'clock. Once I ate something and took a shower I just went straight to bed. Today, I came straight home after classes and locked myself inside my room since I don't want anyone bothering me. I take out the songs that Prof. Sheeran gave me and start checking the lyrics. I go over each song and I am in complete awe, this guy is a freaking po et. Judging from his grungy appearance I never would have guessed that this is the kind of music he writes, I'm beyond amazed, the songs are beautiful. I'm not usually too much into love songs, but the way he plays with words is just brilliant, I wish I could do that.

I walk over to my keyboard and plug in my earphones. I start playing each song and one in particular touches me deeply, is about his granddad that died. It reminds me so much about my grandparents, the way they loved each other so much. I remember seeing my granddad in the hospital, I was about 6 years old, he was sick with cancer, and my grandma wouldn't leave his side. He died a few months after and my grandma was never the same, she was always sad and teary eyed, wouldn't even eat much, I guess she just missed him so much. She died shortly after in her sleep, back then I was too young to understand, but when I think about it now, she probably let herself die because she couldn't live without him. By the time I'm done playing, the tears are rolling down my cheeks.

I sit in silence, thinking about what Prof. Sheeran said "I need someone with passion, someone who lives through the music and transmits the emotions that the song was intended to make the audience feel." He's absolutely right, I'm the perfect person for this and this songs are so full of emotions, I get goose bumps just thinking about playing them to a live audience. A small smile makes its way to my lips, I'm so going to do this.


I'm in the kitchen making myself a sandwich, it's eleven at night and I just realized I have not eaten anything since lunch. The apartment seems awfully quiet, in fact, I haven't seen Niall or Ashton all day today. Niall's been unusually quiet since yesterday, I wonder if he's still worried about this whole thing with Prof. Sheeran.

"Hey Jen, whatcha' up to?" I turn around to see Ashton standing in front of the refrigerator with a big smile in his face. His hair is wet and some of his curls fall over his eyes, he's wearing just a pair of gray sweatpants, no shirt. He looks so attractive is hard not to stare.

"Not much, just making myself a grilled cheese sandwich, want one?" I say turning back around to face the counter.

"Yeah, why not," I hear him open the refrigerator, "want some juice?"

"Yeah, thanks," I say as I take out two extra pieces of bread. I hear Ashton opening and closing one of the cupboards.

"So, are you gonna' do that piano gig?" He asks as he puts two glasses on the counter. How does he know about this? I guess Niall must've told him.

"Yeah, I am," I say casually and turn the grill on.

"Did you tell Niall?" He says as he pours orange juice in both glasses.

"Haven't yet, why?" I turn around to look at him.

"Well, he was so worried about it yesterday," he says and sits on the counter, "you should tell him."

"I know," I say turning around again to check on the sandwiches. I should tell him my decision, but I don't even know if he's here, I haven't seen or heard him at all.

When the sandwiches are done I put them on two plates on the counter. Ashton quickly grabs one and I hop on the counter next to him.

"You're not gonna' quit the band are ya'?" He looks at me with a worried expression on his face as he takes a bite from his sandwich.

Our Songजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें