Chapter 26

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"Guys, excuse me a minute, I need to take this call," I say getting up.

"Sure," Harry says and Zayn just nods.

"Ok, be right back," I say and walk outside of the dorm room.

I talk with my mom and ask her if she's ok with me bringing a friend to stay with us during Christmas break. She's skeptical at first, especially when I tell her that it's a male friend. But she knows how careful I am with guys so she trusts my judgment. I tell her that I'm not sure if he's going to say yes but I wanted to have her permission first. I hang up the phone and I'm about to go back in but I stop when I hear Zayn's voice inside.

"I like this one more than that annoying blonde that was here yesterday," Zayn says. Annoying blonde? Yesterday? Wait, is he talking about Charlotte?

"Hey, don't call her annoying, she's a really nice person," Harry says in defense.

"I don't know, her voice is too pitchy and she's like too goody-goody and shit. I can't stand girls like that, " Zayn says. Yeah, he's definitely talking about Charlotte. What was she doing here yesterday?

Oh God, Jenny you're an idiot, of course she likes her better than you. Why do you insist on getting your hopes up when you know you're not his type and Charlotte is. Get over it.

"Jenny's more badass though, where is she from anyway, she's got an accent." I hear Zayn say.

"She's from Brooklyn, but she's also Hispanic," Harry says.

"Hispanic, hmm, even more interesting, if you know what I mean," Zayn says. What does he mean?

"Hey, watch it mate!" Harry says sounding annoyed.

"Well, she's more my type than yours, we even wear the same boots," Zayn says.

"I doubt you're her type," Harry says bluntly.

"How do you know?" Zayn asks.

"I don't know, I just do," Harry says. How would he know? Actually, Zayn is my type, I've always liked guys that looked rugged and badass like him. The thing is, we're probably too much alike, two introverts together, don't seem like much fun.

"Well, I think you're wrong," Zayn tells him.

I decide to walk in before they start wondering why I'm taking so long and before they say something I'll regret hearing. I open the door and they both look my way, Zayn is now siting where I was and Harry has a big frown on his face. Zayn gets up and gestures for me to sit with a broad smile on his face.

"Thanks," I say shyly. Now that I heard their conversation I feel extremely self-conscious around him.

"Sure," he says and winks at me.

"Everything ok?" Harry asks looking at me with an arched brow.

"Yeah, just talking to my mom," I say casually. "So, are we done?" I ask him pointing at the computer. For some reason, my mood has completely changed and I want to go home. The sudden reminder about Charlotte has a lot to do with it. I don't know what I was thinking before.

"Yeah, I think we are," he says.

"The song sounds great, you guys killed it," Zayn jumps in, he's moved to his bed where he's sitting with a notebook on his lap.

"Well, I better get going then," I say starting to get up but Harry grabs my arm to stop me.

"Wait, I was thinking we could go get something to eat?" He says looking straight at my eyes.

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