Chapter 14

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"I'm handing out the details for your final project. This will be a collaboration project. As you know in the music industry, collaboration is a common thing. So, this will be an excellent exercise for all of you. I've paired everyone according to the skills you've shown throughout the semester. People who are strong in lyrics have been paired with people who are strong in melodies and harmonies, and so forth. The project is due on December 10th, so you have exactly three weeks to work on it. I expect the best from everyone. Remember, the final project is worth 30% of your grade." Prof. Sheeran says as he hands out the papers at the end of class.

I grab my copy and go straight to the list of pairs. Of course, Miss Jennifer Rodriguez has been paired with Mr. Harry Styles. I'm not sure how to feel about this, I've been avoiding Harry for the last two days. The thing is, I don't even know why, I just don't feel like talking to him right now. In fact, I don't feel like talking to anyone at all.

The truth is I've been feeling kind of depressed since Sunday. I go through these gloomy days every once in a while where I shut down from the world and just want to be alone. The whole thing with Niall on Saturday night kind of threw me off, I know we talked an all, but I still have this weird feeling inside. I don't know how to feel about it, my thoughts drive me crazy, so I automatically go into this "safe mode" where I basically shut everyone out.

I gather my things, readjust my beanie and put my headphones on, blasting the music at full volume before I hurry out of the classroom.


"Hi Jenny!" Harry jumps in front of me as I come out of my second class causing Charlotte and me to stop dead in our tracks to avoid from bumping straight into him.

"Fuck, Harry!"

"Hey, watch your language young lady." He furrows his brow and points at me with his index finger.

"Well, stop scaring the shit out of me." I reply crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Ok, that's it, now I'm going to have to spank you." He crosses his arms in front of his chest and looks at me with a smirk on his face. I stare at him arching my eyebrow, thinking of a comeback but my mind draws a blank.

"Oh my God, he's so sassy." Charlotte whispers in my ear and I roll my eyes.

"So, are you doing something now?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, I was gonna' have lunch with Charlotte." I look at Charlotte. She pokes me with her elbow and mouths something I can't really understand.

"Oh, can I join?" Harry asks exchanging looks between Charlotte and me.

"Yes!" Charlotte squeals before I can answer, I glare at her, could she be any more obvious?

"Great, I'm Harry by the way." Harry extends his hand out to Charlotte.

"Nice to meet you, Harry." Charlotte smiles batting her eyelashes as she shakes his hand twirling a strand of her hair with the other. I roll my eyes again, God, I think I'm going to be sick.


During lunch Charlotte sits next to me and Harry sits on the opposite side of the table facing me. Most of the conversation goes like this:

Charlotte: "So Harry *place the most stupid/obvious question you can imagine here*?"

Me: *Rolls eyes at Charlotte's stupidity*

Harry: *Answers politely and smiles*

By the time I'm done eating I swear my eyes are going to come out of their sockets if I roll them one more time.

"Well, I better get going. I have another class in ten minutes." Charlotte announces getting up from her seat. She looks at Harry batting her eyelashes one more time. "It was nice meeting you, Harry."

"Likewise." He smiles at her.

Harry and I watch as she walks away, her blonde hair bouncing flawlessly over her shoulders.

"She's nice." Harry says looking at me.

"She's annoying is what she is." I blurt out.

"I thought she was your friend." Harry looks at me confused.

"Oh, she's my friend, but I still find her obnoxious and annoying some times." Harry stares at me in disbelief.

"I wonder what you say about me when I'm not around."

"Nothing, why would I say anything?" I spit out starting to get annoyed.

"Well, you just said your friend is obnoxious and annoying, that's not very nice, especially when she seemed to be such a sweet girl."

"Of course you'd find her to be sweet; she was basically fangirling over you like a damn teenager over a member of some stupid boyband." I say harshly. Harry starts laughing and I glare at him.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just that you look cute when you're mad." He smirks. I look down embarrassed, not knowing what to say. I start fiddling with my hands nervously.

"Jenny, can I ask you something?" He asks in a more serious, soft voice.

"Yeah?" I look up at him, he puts his elbows on the table resting his chin on the back of his hands.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He looks straight into my eyes, his green eyes look so intense I can't help but look away.

"I- I haven't been avoiding you." I respond in a low voice still avoiding his eyes.

"Don't lie to me Jenny."

"No, really, I haven't been avoiding you. I've been avoiding the entire human population." I look up at him.

"Oh..." He leans back on his seat. He looks at me with a smirk and leans forward as if to tell me a secret. He looks around to make sure no one is watching before he starts talking in a very low voice. "Don't tell anyone, but I'm not really human."

"What?" I ask confused. God, he's so weird.

"Yeah, I'm really a mermaid. So you don't have to avoid me, since I'm not human." He grins at me, his perfect teeth showing, dimples carving deep in his cheeks.

"Seriously, a mermaid?" I look at him arching my eyebrow. Of all things he could come up with, he chose a mermaid. Harry Styles is definitely something else.

"You don't believe me?" He says dramatically, pretending to be deeply offended.

"Oh, yeah, totally. It makes perfect sense. You're a mermaid. That explains a lot actually." I chuckle.

"Good, glad that's settled." He  smiles as he fixes his bun. "So, now that it's been clearly proven that you can't avoid me, can we talk about our project?"

"Yeah, sure." I shrug.

"When can we get together to work on it?"

"Well, today I have to practice with the band. Tomorrow afternoon?"

"Ok, I'll get a practice room then. Give me your number and I'll text you later." He takes out his phone. I give him my number and he types it in, then he brings the phone up and snaps a quick picture of me.

"Why are you taking my picture?" I ask him annoyed.

"I need a picture for when you call." He looks down at his phone.

"In that case take another one."

"Ok, say cheese!" He holds up the phone. I furrow my brow and pretend to be pissed off.

"Why the annoyed face?" He looks at me confused.

"Cause I'm always pissed off, so that's a better representation of me." I reply smiling sarcastically.

"God, you're weird." He rolls his eyes.

"Ok, you just told me you're a mermaid and I'm the one who's weird?"

"But mermaids are not weird." He looks at me dead serious. I'm really starting to worry about this boy ...

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