Chapter 27

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"How could you!" Charlotte blurts out as I sit next to her for our final exam. I look around the classroom and find a few people staring our way.

"Charlotte, what the fuck?" I whisper back to her trying not to cause a scene.

"You knew I liked him," she responds between gritted teeth glaring at me intensively.

"What are you talking about?" I ask still oblivious as to what she's referring to.

"You just had to invite him to Brooklyn, didn't you? Some friend you are!" She spits out and I can see the rage in her eyes. I feel as if she had thrown a punch to my stomach, I hadn't even thought about how this would affect her. I guess she's right; I'm a crappy friend.

"Charlotte ..." I open my mouth to try to apologize. I want to tell her the whole story of why I invited him in the first place but she cuts me off.

"I don't wanna hear it Jenny, I'm done with you. You could've at least been honest with me, but you pretended you didn't even like him and then stabbed me in the back. That is unforgivable." With that she turns her head around without giving me a chance to say anything.

The professor walks in telling us to put everything away so we can start our exam. I look at Charlotte but she continues to ignore me. I let out a frustrated sigh slamming my fist on the table, earning a few stares from the people sitting near me. I glare back at them and they look away. I guess I messed up big this time, betraying my only female friend here. How could I've not thought about this? Yeah, I know, I was too focused on getting Harry away from Steph that's why.

My day was going so well so far, it's such a pity that it didn't last long. During first period, we had Ed's final class, each of the eight groups presented their song and handed all the required material to him. He asked each group a few questions and then gave his opinion on the song. Most of his criticism was good so I think it's safe to say that we got a good grade on that final project. Although I hated it at first, I'm glad he paired me with Harry. After listening to all the other songs, ours clearly stood out and I'm sure that wouldn't have been the case if I'd been paired with someone else.

As the professor hands out the exams I think about what Charlotte said. I'm definitely a bad friend, I mean, she's right, I knew she liked him and I don't blame her for thinking I stabbed her in the back because it sure looks like I did. I need to find a way to make this up to her, she may be annoying at times, but she's too nice of a person for me to hurt her like this. I let out a big sigh as I realize just what I need to do.


"So, what do you want to talk about?" Harry asks as we sit down in one of the small tables in the coffee shop.

"Harry, you can't go to Brooklyn," I say looking down at my coffee cup and completely avoiding his eyes. If I look at him this will be worst.

"Wha- why not?" He asks clearly confused.

"I- I changed my mind," I say in a barely audible voice. I feel nauseous for lying to him like this but I have to do it, otherwise the amount of guilt for betraying Charlotte will eat me alive. I know myself too well.

"You changed your mind ... can I ask why? Did I do something wrong?" He asks. I look up and find him staring at me with a big frown. I look down again not being able to look him in the eye.

"You didn't do anything wrong, I just ... I ..." I try to come up with a good excuse but I can't find one. I sure as hell didn't think this through and I'm shit at improvising.

"Is it because of Niall?" He asks looking down to avoid my eyes.

"No, I haven't even told him yet," I confess. Well, at least I don't have to worry about that anymore.

"Well, what is it then? I don't get it," he says running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"I think you should go to Vermont instead," I blurt out quickly.

"What? Vermont?" He asks and I can see the confusion in his face.

"Yeah, you know, with Charlotte. You can go skiing, eat at fancy restaurants, meet her family, drink expensive wine sitting next to the fireplace ... Vermont's a lot nicer than my shitty neighborhood in Brooklyn trust me," I say trying to sound convincing but I can't help but notice the emptiness I feel inside. I hate this so much, I hope Charlotte appreciates what I'm doing for her because it sure isn't easy for me.

"Jenny-" he starts to protest but I interrupt him.

"It's better this way, Harry," I tell him trying to convince myself that it's true. I get up and grab my bag. I need to get out of here before I change my mind.

"Where are you going?" Harry asks getting up as well.

"I have to finish some things for tomorrow," I say matter-of-factly.

"But we just got here, you can't just leave like that!" He says, the annoyance evident in his voice. He stares at me with his eyebrows knit together in a deep frown.

"I'm sorry, I really have to go," I say in a low voice. I have to hold back the urge to throw my arms around him and tell him I was just joking that I didn't really mean anything I said. Instead I turn around and start to walk away before I mess this up again. I stop when I feel his hand grab my shoulder.

"Why are you doing this Jenny?" He asks glaring at me when I turn around.

"I already told you, it's better this way," I tell him. I stare into his eyes for a second but his gaze is so intense that I have to look away.

"How exactly is it better?" He runs both his hands through his hair this time and takes in a deep breath before he continues talking. "Don't you get it Jenny? I don't give a fuck if Vermont is nicer than Brooklyn. I don't want to go skiing with Charlotte or meet her rich family or eat at fancy restaurants with her. You know why?"

I shake my head from side to side.

"Because I would never change a 'shitty neighborhood' in Brooklyn for a fancy cottage in Vermont," he says looking down at me with a smirk and I think my heart skips a beat as the meaning behind his words sinks in. I study his face, his beautiful eyes, his perfect lips, the cute dimples in his cheeks ...

No, I can't do this to Charlotte, I can't betray her like this. I have to get out of here. Now!

"I'm sorry Harry," I say shaking my head before I turn around and start walking away feeling my insides breaking apart. He calls out my name, but I ignore him as tears start to flood my eyes.

I'm so sorry.

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