Chapter 20

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I wake up feeling warm and cozy. It takes me a few seconds to realize the reason why. Harry's arm is draped over me and I can feel the warmth of his body behind me. I try to move but he pulls me closer mumbling something I can't understand. Our bodies are so close now that I can feel his chest moving slowly up and down against my back when he breathes. Didn't I tell him to stay on his side? Have we been sleeping like this all night? So many questions run through my mind at once.

"Harry?" I call out his name but there's no answer, I can tell he's fast asleep, I can feel his breathe slightly tingling the back of my neck. I study the inked designs on his arm, a cross on his hand, an anchor on his wrist, a mermaid on his forearm, they all seem so random, yet I'm sure they all mean something to him. I realize, there's so much about him that I don't know, yet here he is sleeping in my bed, cuddling with me. Oh my God, what the hell am I doing? I feel a sudden sense of panic. I need to get up, now!

I move his arm carefully away from me, he mumbles something but doesn't wake up. I get up quietly and put on my bootie sleepers watching him silently, his hair covering half his face, his lips slightly parted, he looks so peaceful, almost ... angelic? I start walking towards the door but I stop when I hear him say something.

"Liz, please don't leave me baby," he pleads. Liz? Who's Liz? I'm about to say something but I realize he's still asleep. He talks in his sleep? That's interesting. I leave the room and head towards the bathroom still thinking about whom this Liz could be. Does he have a girlfriend? If he does, why would he be here? That makes no sense, must be an ex. Unless it's someone from back home ...

When I come out of the bathroom I hear some noise in the kitchen and wonder what time it is. I walk towards the kitchen, as I pass the living room I notice Harry's jeans neatly folded on the coffee table, his boots on the floor. If the others are already up ... shit, I wonder what they must be thinking. I go in the kitchen and Marie is the only one there.

"Hi," I say as I open the refrigerator to get the orange juice.

"Well look who's finally up," she says while mixing some pancake batter.

"What time is it anyway?" I ask her as I pour myself a glass of orange juice.

"Eleven thirty." She drops what she's doing and turns around to face me, a big smirk on her face. "So, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, why?" I say with a shrug.

"Oh come on, Jenny, don't play dumb with me. We all know a certain someone didn't sleep on the sofa last night." She arches one of her eyebrows up waiting for my reply, but I ignore her and take a sip of juice. "Well, aren't you going to say anything?"

"There's not much to say," I say resting my back against the counter.

"Not much to say?! Are you kidding me? A fucking gorgeous guy, who obviously likes you, is sleeping in your bed right now and you tell me there's not much to say? Excuse me, but I think there's a LOT to say," she blurts out.

"Well, we couldn't sleep so we watched a movie and fell asleep, end of story. See, I told you there really isn't much to say." I leave out the part about the nightmare and the cuddling she doesn't need to know. In fact, no one needs to know about the cuddling not even Harry, he was asleep after all.

"Jenny, you're the worst liar ever, but it's ok, if you don't want to talk about it, I understand." She sighs and goes back to mixing the pancake batter.

"Are Ash and Niall still asleep?" I ask her, quickly changing the topic.

"No, they left around 6, they were going to a Black Friday sale at The Guitar Center and to some other stores after that," she says rolling her eyes.

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