Chapter 03

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Sarah and I had been searching, everyday since we got a glimpse of a scent, hope filled us, maybe that meant he was close by. But not even a spec of a scent was found.

My father had been happy that I had gotten out of the house and in search of my mate.


"Belle! Come here! I have some people that want to meet you." I heard my dad shout from downstairs. I walked down the long hallway and smelt all different kind of scents. None of my mate. I opened the door slowly and saw a bunch of guys in suits. They were all messing with they're hair and tightening and un-tightening they're ties. When they all noticed that I walked into the room they all froze and smiled.

"Dad, what's going on." I said through my clenched teeth.

"You get to pick which one is going to be your mate." He said loudly and I looked over at him with disgust.

"Dad, I'm not picking. I'm going to find my real mate." I said. He looked down at me and smirked.

"If you don't pick one of these guys, I'm taking over Alpha duty for the rest of the year." He threatened then smiled back at the men, "I'm sorry for her attitude."

"You can't do that," I seethed and straightened my posture.

"I can and I will. You need a strong Alpha next to you. And these guys are that. So either you pick or I take over."

"Then you take over." I said. I walked out and slammed the door. Ignoring the pleas of my father. I refused to pick a random man, who had mates, to be the Alpha. As I walked to my room, a hand gripped my forearm and stopped me.

I sighed and gripped the door knob and said, "What do you want, Sarah?"

"Jeez, who's got your panties in a twist?" She teased and curled a piece of her hair with her index finger.

"I'm not in the mood."

"I don't care. Your going to a party with me!" She squealed and jumped on the wooden floor.

"I don't want to go, Sarah." I sighed and turned the knob of my door.

"Your stressed and sad for some odd reason. You need to let loose and have some alcohol." She smiled at me.

"Okay. I'll go."

"Yes! Lets get you ready!" She cheered and dragged me to the bathroom.


I was now standing in front of the mirror in a little red dress. She curled my hair so it hung at my waist. She made my eyes look smoky and my lips were painted red.

I didn't look like myself which I didn't mind.Sarah stood next to me in a similar dress, just in black.

"We look hot." Sarah stated while giggling.

"We do." I agreed and mirrored her smile.

"Let's do this! Lets go find your mate!" She shouted and ran out the door in her 6 inch heels. I followed her, walking unbalancing.


"We're here!" She exclaimed. I looked at the house nervously and unbuckled my seatbelt. I stepped out of the car only to be pushed back when a girl started running towards the bushes. I made a face at Sarah and she shrugged.

"Let's do this." I murmured to myself.

We walked to the front door and knocked. It opened a few minutes later by a drunken guy holding a beer.

"Welcome!" He greeted and pulled us in. We we immediately swallowed by the crowd. Bodies pushed against us and we tried to push our way through. The music was blaring and the floors vibrated.

"Excuse me! Move!" I shouted at the people. Once we reached the kitchen sweat was rolling down my face and Sarah was gasping for air.

"Fuck," I said while laughing.

"Now lets have some fun!" Sarah yelled with her hands in the air. We both grabbed a a bear before going out to the dance floor.

Sarah grabbed my hand and said, "Lets dance!" Our bodies moved with the rhythm of the song.

Someone's hands wrapped around my waist and I froze. I craned my neck to one side to look at who it was. My breath hitched as I saw him.

He had brown hair that was spiked and he had the lightest green eyes I have ever seen. He smiled crookedly and swayed his hips with mine. I leaned my head back and moved with him, not caring who he was.

"What's your name, kitten?" He yelled in my ear.

"Belle. Yours?" I yelled back, my cheeks warming to the nickname. His arms tightened around me and he brought me closer.

"Alec," he answered. "Do you want to go outside for fresh air?" I looked over to Sarah and she winked at me. I laughed and nodded my head. He grabbed my hand softly into his and pulled me out of the room. He led me outdoors and we both took a breath.

"It's crazy in there!" He laughed. I nodded my head and laughed with him. He moved closer against me and pushed me against a tree.

"Wh- What are you doing?" I stuttered. I pushed against his chest but he wouldn't budge. I pushed harder but nothing happened.

"Did you really think I just wanted to talk?" He whispered. His breath fanned my face and I smelt alcohol. I pushed again and he grabbed my arms and pushed them back.

"Please stop!" I whimpered. His grip tightened and he started to bruise my arms.

"Let go! Sarah!" I yelled. I wiggled and stomped on his foot. His body didn't budge until I brought my knee up.

"You little bitch!" He seethed. I ran across the lawn ignoring his screams.

Once I ran a block I slowed down. Tears stung my eyes as I took in deep breaths. I looked around at my surroundings, not knowing where I was.

I jumped when I heard a sound come from my right. Did Alec catch up to me? I frantically looked around but saw no sign of him. I walked towards the sound and saw a dark figure sitting on the ground, crying softly.

Then the scent hit me.

And my wolf was shouting the one word I always wanted to hear.

I hope this was good? I tried to make it long. And shout out to my best friend ellohelmo! Go follow her! She gave me this idea for the book! Love you!
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