Authors Note

50.6K 1.5K 77


Sorry if you thought this was a chapter but this was necessary.

I was scrollin through the discovery thingie and I went to check out what number my book was..

Wanna guess?

It was number 1.

Number 1..

Number 1!

Omg thank you guy so much!! I can't tell you how happy I am. I always dreamed of being number 1 and now it's here!!

I love y'all so much for making this happen!

I've been dancing around my room for the past 45 minutes but then thought I should thank my fans!

I love you guys so much! Y'all make life easier haha

Now continue to press that vote and comment so we could stay at number 1!

I love y'all so much :D

Stay beautiful! Xx

I Saved Him (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now