Chapter 26

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Arriving at the coordinates Marshall sent him Rick parked his car in front of the Museum, scanning the the parking lot for Joey's car before realizing a lot of the cars were similar and it would take a while to single out Joey's car. So he made his way into the museum.

"Hi! Admission for how many people?" The clerk greeted him.

"Just one today," he managed an insincere smile.

"Sure! That's going to be $39, would you like to participate in any activities today? There's make your own gl-" 

"No. I'm uh, just here to look around thanks." He handed her his credit card.

She processed his payment and handed back his credit card to him.

"You have a nice time today." She shot him a smile that gave him an immediate flashback.

"God, I haven't seen one of those looks in a while," she looked back into her menu.

"What look," he put his menu down and looked a her.

"Oh, you know, the one she gave you."

"Not following," he crossed his arms over his chest as if ready to here an explanation.

"Oh come on, you know, the 'I'm single and you're cute' look," she put down her menu.

"I didn't recognize it."

"Of course you didn't, you're completely oblivious," she looked back into her menu.

"Oblivious? I wouldn't say so,"

"I would, and I do, otherwise, I'm sure you would've flirted back."

He chuckled, "So, I'm cute?"

"That's what her look said."

"What do you say?"

She looked at him over the menu, then set it down. "I say, I'll have the pasta and some fries."

God he had to find her soon. It amazed him how much he missed her. He just wanted her back in his arms, under his protection, where no harm could ever come near her.

He grabbed his credit card back from the clerk who stared at him like he has two heads after he'd froze to think over his flashback. Turning, he walked straight into the first exhibit of the museum and began searching for Joey and Jennifer.

~Meanwhile with Joey and Jennifer~

"That's incredible, but I mean all that trouble for a glass marble? I mean come on, it's so much work and then it's worth like, a dollar- not even, three dollars for a sack of marbles!" Jennifer exclaimed about the process they saw take place just before them.

"Not in the museum, it's like $25 for a bag of marbles," Joey laughed with her.

"Yea these gift shops are such rip offs. You know you could get EVERYTHING in these gifts shops for a third of the price online!"

"You certainly did your homework didn't you?"

She chuckled, "Hey I'm just stating facts" she put her hands up in mock surrender.

"Alright what's next Ms.Facts. Let's go back to the first exhibit I wanna see the designs they were talking about in the demonstration I didn't notice them before."

"Yea you did , remember, come look." he led her into the first exhibit straight to the end of the room, "See, this is what they were talking about,"

"Oh! You know... if we played our cards right we could grab a few of these marbles and make a good 25 on them at the gift shop," 

She looked at him seriously before breaking into laughter, he followed too.

"You're such a clown," he said wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Joey smiled at her and then looked over her head to see Rick's profile looking around the room. His eyes widened and he jumped into action.

"Uhm, you know what we should go check out the 3D movie they have."

"Seriously? You wanna see that? It's like, the same thing you see out here except your sitting down."

"Well then at least we get to sit." he smiled and grabbed her hand rushing her through the door into the little theater room in the museum sitting her down beside him.

"Well that was fast,"

"Yea I didn't wanna miss them showing,"

"It only starts in 11 minutes."

"Well call me old fashioned but I like to be early to such events," he joked at her.

"And you say I'm the clown?" she smiled.

"Oh shut up." he smiled and wrapped his arm over her shoulder again. 

Jennifer thought for a second if it was a good idea and then went against her own gut that told her it was a bad idea, and laid her head down on his shoulder, to which Joey responded by using his free hand to grab hers and intertwine their fingers together.

She smiled quietly to herself for the joy she felt.

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