The DeMarko Brothers Sneak Peek

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Here's a sneak peek of the new book I'm writing, you can read the rest of the sneak peek if you go to the book, here's the first half:

"Don't you lie to me Allison." Richie said as he advanced on her.

You'd think he intimidated her by now, but she didn't budge from where she sat on the bed.

"Richie you're so paranoid." Allison pushed the book off of her lap and stood up.

Before she had the chance to take even so much as a step, Richie came around the bed, grabbed her neck not too rough and pushed her down onto the bed, pinning her body against the mattress with his own shirtless body.

"What did you write in the note." He pressed his hips against hers harshly.

"I..." She had to stop and take a breath when she felt a hard jab against her hips, her breathe caught in her throat at his obvious arousal he didn't even try to hide. "I. Can't. Think," she said between gritted teeth, "With your hard on pressing against my," she bring herself to say the word, so she used another, "Stomach."

She opened her eyes just in time to see the corners of his mouth lift up in a slow seductive smile.His eyes burned into hers as he continued.

"It's not against your stomach," he whispered seductively, knowing full well she didn't want to say where she really felt it, so he took it upon himself to make her say it. "Say it,"

His hand still against her neck, he teased her further by pushing his hard on father up against her core, which she had no doubt he knew, was throbbing.

She gasped suddenly when she felt it him pushing up against her. Her hand flew up to grasp his elbow of the arm that was holding her down, but to her own surprise she didn't push him away, just held on as if his elbow were her sanity. When she didn't answer, he gave her another hard nudge with his manhood, studying her face as she regrettably let out a moan loud enough for anyone that might've e been in the room to hear. He watched her, enjoying her reaction suddenly needing more of her.

"Fuck," she moaned when he shifted his hips for the third time so that she'd feel it. She was so embarrassed she had to turn her face away from him and close her eyes.

"Say it," he whispered once more.

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