At day, calm and quite. By night the bad guys come out to fight.

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Aphmau POV
I woke up. I was still pretty tired. I tried to move. I felt arms around me. I looked at the person. I don't know how I could of missed it since I was up against his chest. But it wasn't his arms that were holding me down. It was the pain I have in my shoulder, back, head, and.....everywhere. I could just make out a little bit of the outside. I saw that the house was built. There was a couple of guys in front of it. I managed to get up. I brushed my hair, got dressed and looked out the window. One of the guys looked up. Then he was talking to the other guys and pointed at me. Then the other guys looked up and saw me. Drowsiness was coming over me. I fell asleep on the floor. The last thing I saw was the guys walking towards my house.
Laurences POV
I woke up.  Aph wasnt here so I got up. Then I  saw her sleeping on the floor. I picked her and brought her back to her bed. She must be really tired to not have woken up's not like a regular tired's was unnatural......forced sleep kind of. Pretty soon Aphmau was curled up right by my chest sleeping. She looked peaceful. It's hard to belive that Aph could hurt a fly. I was looking at her when I went back to sleep. I rested my chin on her head. I don't know why I was just suddenly really tired.
??? POV
Hey guys! Look up there I told them pointing to the house across the roads window. A girl with midnight black hair, and soft hazel brown eyes. We started to head over to the girls house. Hey what are you doing? One of my friends asked. Using a sleeping magick on everyone in the house let's look through the window. I told them. We got up to the girls window. We climb in the window. She was beautiful. She was wearing a lilac dress that was off at both shoulders and went down to her feet, and no shoes. She had a smile on her face and was curled against a guys chest. She could've been a goddess. Looks like she has a boyfriend. One of my friends wispered to me. Grrrrrrr. I glare at them. Shut up! I don't care if she has a boyfriend! Dummy! I wispered to him. I look back at the girl. She had her eyes open. That's impossible how did she wake up. We stepped back until we hit a wall. She got the guy off her. She tried to sit up. I closed my eyes waiting for yelling and waking others up. I noticed that my friend that lives across from her is still at his house whatching. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw the girl. She winced from sitting up. Then I noticed. She had a bandage around one of her shoulders. But that shouldn't make her wince....then I saw the bandage on her back...what happened to her? She was sitting on the edge of her bed. Who are you people and what are you doing in my house!? The girl asked in a soft,sweet voice. But the voice also had pain hidden in it. We didn't answer. What are you guys doing in my house!?! She meaner then before. What if we don't answer you? I asked her. Then-I cut her off. What are going to do? Wake up your boyfriend and he'll fight us? I asked laughing. What makes you think I can't fight you? She asked. Your hurt. We'll beat you in an instant. I told her. The boy woke up. Oh look theirs your boyfriend now! I told her. We aren't dating she told me. We'll get back to that later. The boy told her. Laurence...........I'll fight you instead. She warned him. Never mind then. He said. You are scared of her?! A girl?! I asked him. Yeah. I hate to be you. He told me. She did a high pitched whistle. Nothing happened. Oh no! You guys are dead meat! Laurence said between laughs. Everybody down! He yelled. Then he dropped down  to the ground. Then three wyverns came in. Laurence got up. Urgth! Aphmau! Laurence yelled. Oh yeah I high jacked Urgth. But.....that was a long time ago.... I brought him back. She told him. She stood up. She closed her eyes. Then a white light flashed across the room. She got on the mixed color one. And she............flew out the window? I could tell that all her injurys didn't hurt right now. She got us out though.
Aphmaus POV
*time skip to night* I was walking back home from the park. My injuries started to hurt again. It was night now. I was almost home when I saw these guys around. I couldn't see their faces. But it looked like a gang maybe? I walked past them. Then one of them jumped down. Look who it is! The guy said. I knew that voice...that was the guy that broke inside my house. I got a text from Nicole asking if i knew where Roxy was. I told her no. I turned around to face him. I realized that the guy had short messy black hair, dark eyes, tan skin, and a scar under his right eye. I'm Lucas he told me. One of the other people stood in front of me. Pretty soon one by one they were jumping down and surrounding me. I was soon up against a wall. I looked around. They were surrounding me. What a nice necklace. He told me. I could feel his breath. Then he grabbed my necklace. Hey! Give that back! I yelled at him. If you want it you have to get it. He said raising my necklace in the air. I jumped for it a little while. I didn't get it. I looked around I saw a tree with vines. I ran over there. What do you give up? He asked pouting. I search through my bag and pull out my cloak. I climbed up the tree. Lucas was still holding the necklace up. I jumped off the tree landing on my feet with my necklace in hand. Then my hood was yanked down. I turned around. I quickly put my necklace on. I was surrounded again. I put my hood back up. Then I heard running feet behind me. I felt a hand around my wrist. I twisted my their arm around forcing him to turn around and I pushed him down. Then a guy with rust red hair and dark brown eyes and tanish skin. Leave her alone Luc. He told Lucas. Come on Kia we were just messing around. He told the red head guy. When Lucas tried to reach for me I turned around and grabbed his hand then put it between his shoulder blades. He fell to the ground. Fine we'll leave her alone. Your lucky your the leader. Lucas told the Kia guy. Wait he's the leader!? I cast Kia a cold glare. Then I started to walk away. You guys are lucky I don't like hurting people. But if you guys leader or not do anything to me or one of my freinds....let's just say that you don't want to see my bad side. I casted Kia a icy glare and walked back to my house to go to sleep.

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