Coming to Phoenix drop

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(Aphmaus P.O.V)
I just moved to this place called phoenix drop. My parents disappeared at my last village so I couldn't stay there any more. I moved here to get a fresh start. Tomorrow was my first day of school. I arrive at my house. Finally I'm here! I get out of the car and go to my house.
(Garroths P.O.V)
Me and my brother Zane are walking home with Laurence from Dantes house."Hey it looks like someone is moving in."Laurence said." Yeah I wonder who?" I said in response. "Let's go see" Zane said smirking."What are you gonna do Zane." I said. " Just gonna see how quick there reflexes are" Zane says as he runs over the person getting out of the car chuckling. Then I heard the sound of a sword hitting a another sword! I look over to see what happened. When I look over there I see a girl in a cloak with a...diamond sword and Zane with his iron sword locked together as if they were in combat. Then....Bam! Next thing I know Zane is on the ground with her sword up against his neck! That was impossible! Zane was unbeaten in a sword a fight unless he does against Laurence or I! "And just what do you think your doing?" She said in an angelic voice as she puts her sword away and helps Zane up."I-I-I Was seeing h-h-how good your r-r-reflexes were" Zane stuttered."Oh well sorry."She said. I couldn't see her face or what she was wearing. She was wearing a white cloak that's all you could see.She was about 2 years younger then me like 15. "What's your name?" Laurence asked."Aphmau" she said. "Well see you guys later" she said as she walked into her house.
(Zanes P.O.V)
SHE BEAT ME! I CAN BELIVE IT! A GIRL BEAT ME IN SWORDS! I could hear Garroth and Laurence chuckle a little after she went in to her house.I was stil stunned so I didn't get her name. I asked Garroth he said it was Aphmau. "Hey Laurence you know what this means now right?" Garroth asked Laurence." No what?" He asked Garroth." It means that we can't be neighbors anymore since Aphmau moved in." Garroth answered. Since my house is on one side of Aphmaus and Laurences is on the other. "Hey Zane could you see her face when she got you down?" Garroth asked. "No. Her cloak was in the way. I wonder what she looks like without it on,and why she wears it." I answered. "Hmm weird" Laurence said. Then we went back to our houses.
(Garroths P.O.V)
When I got home I went up to my room and looked out my window toward Aphmaus house. I could see her bedroom. NOT IN A CREEPY WAY! Our bedrooms were right across from each other. I saw her packing boxes and putting pictures on the wall. I decided to go to bed since I had scholarship in the morning she must go to our school. I went to sleep thinking about tommorow.
(Aphmaus P.O.V)
That guy Zane? I think his name was? Wasn't expecting me to when but at my old school I won every game of swords I ever played. Even some against adults! But the look on his and his friends face was price less! I'm gonna go to bed tommorow is the first day of school.Yay! (Saracasm intended)

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