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I have 1.86K views! Thanks. I don't really have a plan for this but other ff writers do this when they have a lot of readers soooooooo. Ummm......Lol. I have no clue what to do.😁 ummmmmmmm you know what I'm gonna turn this into a small chapter because I'm not like other ff writers. But thanks for reading Phoenix high. I mean who wants to be the same as someone else when you could be different and yourself? In my opinion being normal and blending in with the crowd is over rated. So now the chapter.
Aphmaus POV
I walked home I got on my bed and went on wattpad. I looked at my story. 2.95K veiwers! Wow! That's a lot of people. Then there's a knock on my door. I open it to see Zane. "Hey" he said. "Hey" I said back. I invited him inside. About an hour later there was another knock on the door. I answer it. It was Max. "H-" I cut him off by slamming the door in his face. Slam! "Who was that?" Zane asked. "No one" I answered. "I would hardly call me no one Aph" he said teleporting into my hous. "I forgot that you had teleporting magicks" I mumbled. "Aph who is this?" Zane asked. "My ex.........Max" I told him. "Used to be ex. I'm taking what belongs to me" he said "in your dreams" i told him. Then teleported us out of my house. I closed my eye. I thought real hard about Max being outside. He was outside when I opened my eyes again. I put my arms out raising them up over my head then down to my chest raising a barier around my house. Stopping Zane from coming. "What do you want?" I asked him. "You know damn well what I want Aph!" He said. "Well that sucks! Because your not getting it. Either of them" I told him. He wanted 2 things 1. My sea amulet, and 2. Me. He then pushed me against a tree. Before he kissed me. I stomped on his foot. I was wearing boots sooooo.......yeah. He loosened his grip a little. I got out of his claws. I did a shrill whistle. Parker came picked me up. I closed my eyes and thought of home. We we're teleported inside my house. I saw Zane trying to go through the border. I lifted it. He fell face first on the ground. "How's the mud taste?" I asked. "Pretty good for mud" he answered. He got out of the mud and onto the grass. I give him my hand to help pull him up. He acepts it. But instead of getting up. He pulled me down. "Movie?" I asked. "Sure I get to pick" he said. He picked one called room mates. We sat there watching the movie. I soon drifted off to sleep.
That's all for now! Bye! Thanks for the views and stay Rossum!
Sky:oh no not you to!
Ross, Sky aren't you sposed to be stopping Zane and Aph from kissing?
Ross,Sky:oops! OH NO!*runs away*

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