In a deep sleep PT:1

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Aphmaus POV
I was walking around Phoenix drop. We had no school yes!!! I couldn't wait to go to the mall with Cadenza and my freinds we are gonna look at animals! I was walking to the mall with Garroth,Laurence,Zane,Laurence,and Vylad. Then suddenly........darkness........... that's all I could see. It was happening again. Except this time. Something told me it was worse... this time it was a brand new type of darkness. Then an image appeared. It was the few... when we were kids... when we first found the hall...
Aphmaus POV (kid)
Come on guys! Just up this hill! I yelled to them. This better be worth it Aph! It's 4:00am! Katz yelled up at me. It is now hurry up! I ordered them. We reached the top of the hill. They were out of breath. I swear! You have the energy of 100 lightning bolts! Kala told me. She wasn't out of breath. But was slower then me. Maybe we should rest. Jose said while sitting down. No time I told them then ran down the hill. OK were coming Alex told me. They knew it was no use to argue with me. We ran down the hill. I lead them through the woods to the hall. There was podiums. Each one with Somthing different. Drawing everyone towards them. I was drawn to a big hammer in the middle of it all. I picked it up and started to rise. Lightning struck and Thors voice seemed to boom around the walls. You have picked up my trusty hammer. You must know the rest. That you are worthy to hold it. Now the question is what will you use it for. Good or bad, dark or light. For you are the new leader of the few. If I am correct then you are my daughter Aphmau. If not then you are someone else worthy.
Aphmaus POV
A another image appereared. It was when I met Sky's group.
Aphmaus POV (10 years old)
I was the new girl. I bumped in to a guy with sunglasses and he made me drop my books. Sorry he said and he helped me pick up my stuff. No its OK I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm Sky what's your name? He asked. I'm Aphmau freinds call me Aph but most people call me Jess. OK Jess I'll see you around. He said. OK bye. I said and we went different ways. After lunch I was messing around. Then I saw a purple, green dinosaur-person getting picked on. Hey leave him alone! I yelled stepping in front of the dinosaur-person. Why? What are you gonna do fight me? The bully asked then laughed. Yes! I yelled back. He must have been surprised by my answer because he stopped laughing and examined me. OK let's fight. He said. He tried to punch me I side stepped it. Huh!? He said in confusion. He tried it again same thing happened. He tried to kick me. I blocked it. Then he tried to knock me off my feet. I did a back flip. He soon got tired. He tried to punch me again. I caught his wrist, made him bend his arm behind him and put his arm across his back so his wrist was right in between his shoulder blades. If I see you picking on someone again I won't go so easy on you. I warned him then let him go. He fell to the ground. I knew the kids came to watch the fight. I helped the person up. Are you ok? I asked. I'ms fine thank yous. He said. No problem. I told him. Hey guys Sky,Jin,Ross,Castor! Comes over heres to see who helped mes! He yelled. Hey I know you! Your that girl I bumped into! Sky said. Yeah I answered. What happened....Aphmau!? Castor said runing up and hugging me. Hey Castor. I said hugging him back. You two know each other? Sky asked. Yeah we go way back. Castor answered. Well. She just helped me from Nick. He was picking on me and then they fought and she won! The dinosaur-person said. Yeah we saw that. Wow! From now on were gonna call you the daughter of Xavier! Sky said. That's Jinbop,Ross, and Barney. Sky said pointing to them. Hi nice to meet you guys. I'm Aphmau but my freinds call me Aph but mostly Jess.
Aphmaus POV
The image ended replaced with a new one. When I met my freinds.
Aphmaus POV(First day)
I was getting out of my car when I heard someone behind me and a sword being un sheathed. Then on instinct I took out my diamond sword. Our swords hit eachother. Mine against his iron. Then I had my sword against his neck. What do you think your doing? I asked. I was seeing how good your reflexes were. He studdered out. I put my sword away and help him up. Then the next day I was on a the bus when a red headed girl came and sat next to me and told me her name was Kiki. At lunch she intrudesed me to her group. Then they told me all the groups and who was in them. Then warned me about Zane. Then I went outside. I fought Sasha. I won.
Aphmaus POV
Then a new image popped up. One not from my memory or past. I was in a strange land. It was the first time that past images popped up. I was usally here when this happened. I was in a cell. I was being toutured. But I didn't even she'd a tear. Because there was only 2 things that made me cry. 1. When I'm wrong about a freind, and 2. When I lose someone I love. It was inky darkness. I knew I was in a cell. I don't know how I just knew. It was cold and wet.I looked forward. I saw all my freinds.....dead.....I closed my eyes tight and said to myself it's not real. This isn't real. This isn't true. There alive and well. Then I started to sing. *cue music*. When I finished. I started to see a light at the corner of the cell. It had a soft soothing comfortable glow. Like the star bridge at asguard. In it was my mom, dad, and Xavier saying come to us Aphmau sweety. I knew they were dead. I knew that if I walked to them then I would be giving up on life. I would finally be with me family. I was about to go.... then I remembered my freinds. Kiki,Kawaii~chan,Cadenza,Emmalyn,Kaytlen,Nicole,Donna,Kala,Zoey,Abby,Parker,Lucinda,Parker,Tbof,Garroth,Raven,Urgth,Aron,Pbat,Jose,Katz,Steven,Castor,Alex,Sly,Laurence,Jeffory,Travis, Sky,Ross,Barney,Dante, Zenix, Zane,Kenmur,and Vylad. I thought about how they cared for me and how much they loved me. I would be leaving them for my parents I barley knew. I was gonna make a huge mistake! They are my family. I backed away from it and said no. They looked surprised. But we are your family. Irene tried. No your not. I have a new family and it's not with you guys. I will always love you guys....but I have a new family to think about now. I snapped back at them. Then the light was gone the bars were gone. I was out. I was in a deep sleep.
Vylads POV
Aph collapsed! I picked her up and brought her back to her house and layer her on her bed. I got out my phone and texted everyone.
(L-Laurence,J-Jeffory,Jin-Jinbop,R-Ross,S-Sky,Z-Zane,Ze-Zenix,K-Kala,T-Travis,G-Garroth,V-Vylad, C-Castor,B-Barney,Ka-Katz,Ar-Aron,A-Aphmau,Al-Alex,S-Steven,Sl-Sly,P-Pbat,D-Dante,J-Jose, Ke-Kenmur,Zo-Zoey,Ca-Cadanza,Lu-Lucinda,N-Nicole,Kay-Kaytlen,E-Emmalyn,Kaw-Kawaii~Chan, Ki-Kiki)
G-Aphmau collapsed.
Ca-What happened!?
Z-we don't know! We were walking on our way to the mall then suddenly Aph Collapsed!
J-Were on our way!
L-come quick!
Kaw-we will be there is 5 minutes.
Chat ended
Zanes POV

e were waiting for everyone to arrive. The Vylad, and Garroth was downstairs waiting for everyone else to arrive. Then Aph started to sing. *cue song* it was like a message. She said Help, I have done it again,I have been here many times before, hurt myself again today, the worst part is there is no one else to blame, be my freind, hold me, wrap me up, unfold me, I am small and needy, warm me up and breath me. I think that it means Help, she has been there before, it hurts her again today, the worst part is that it's no one else's fault that she is there, she wants what ever is doing this to be her freind, but hold me wrap me up unfold me I am small and needy warm me up and breath me I don't know what that could mean. Everyone arrived. I pulled Emmalyn and Kenmur aside and told them what I heard her say and what I thought it meant. Hmm well let's think what can hold her that's a person. Emmalyn said.(no she actually didn't say it sarcastically). Umm a person there dating. I said. Mom's hold kids. Kenmur said. When someone is hiding somthing. I said. I think what Zane said is what she ment if she is trying to send a message. Now wrap me up. Could be somthing she is trying or tried to hide. If so then unfold me could mean that either some people or someone figured out the secret or she wants some people or someone to figure out the secert.Emmalyn said. Now I am small and needy could mean that somthing is small but needs alot of somthing. But what? Emmalyn asked. Help maybe. She needs a lot of help to get back. I said. No because if it's a secret then it wouldn't need a lot of help or she wouldn't keep it a secert, or love she wouldn't keep it a secert. Magick only 3 of her freinds have magick and she has the strongest. So maybe it needs a lot of magick. Kenmur said. Ok what about warm me up? I asked. What are things that can warm you up? Kenmur asked clearly thinking hard. Heat Emmalyn said. Yeah but it wouldn't make sense something else. Kenmur said back. Light I said. What? Kenmur asked. Light can warm you,like when it's summer. When the sun light strikes the water or when the sun light goes to the ground and warms it, or when your outside in the summer and the sunlight warms you up. I answered. OK now breath me? I asked. Maybe it's a metaphor. Emmalyn said. What would it mean? Kenmur asked. Maybe to use your nose. Emmalyn said. Nose,nose,nose thats it! I said. What's it. Kenmur and Emmalyn asked at the same time. She wants 1.people to figure out the secert,2.she hides all her secrets in books. I said. So Emmalyn said. What do you smell when you have your nose in a book? I asked. Ink they answered. Breath her. I think she wants us to find a book about her or somthing that has to do with her. I said they slowly started to get it. So she is saying Help,I have been here before,it hurts me again today, the worst part is that its no one elses fault I'm here, I want whatever is doing this to be my freind,I am hiding a secert, Find out the secert, its small but needs alot of magick,light, find a book about me or something to do with me. Every one I think I know how to start to bring Aph back. I told everyone in the room. How!? They all asked. Look for a book about Aph or that has somthing to do with Aph. I answered. They went off to find the book.

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