Trip to O'Kahsis

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Aphmaus POV
The trip to O'Kahsis is 2 days long. I saw the girls with Jeffery. I saw Luna to. Taylor was with Luna. Liz and Luke were fighting. Some of the few members were getting in trouble for some reason.....don't think I even want to know. Lowell was with Tyler and Garnet. The only people that weren't there was Kiki,Dante,Kaytlen,Sly,Brendan,and Nicole. I saw Rachel floating around Colton. I slowed my horses pace. I was right next to Aaron. I looked over at Sky,Ross,Jinbop,and Barney. Castor is with the few. Hey! I yelled to them. Hey Jess! They yelled back. Barney are you riding a goat.....? I asked. Yes, some days I'm a gonna makes goats powered stuffs. He told me. What if the goats don't listen? Aaron asked. That's easy! I just punches goat in his throat. He told us. Well......that got really dark really fast....... I wispered to Aaron. He agreed. I looked around. Garroth looked sad. I went over to him. He was the last one. Hey! I told him. He didn't answer. Are you ok? I asked. Do you know where we are going? He asked. Yeah to O'Kahsis. I told him. Exactly! He said. The class stopped. The teacher told us to set up camp. There was 4 tents. The first had the few members, the second had the teacher, Sky's group,Cadence and Jeffery, the third had the kids and Taylor's group and Lowell, the fourth was Garroth,Vylad,Zane,Aaron,and Me, the third had almost everybody else. There was single tents to. It was soon dark. Everybody started to get in a circle. We started to play 2 truths 1 lie. It was Aarons turn first. I have gone to Florida,I've gone hangliding,My favorite cake is vanilla. You've gone hangliding? Cadenza asked. Nope. He asnswered. You've gone to Florida? I asked. Yep how did you know? He asked. Well you said you've gone hangliding and you are clearly not an angel. I said. Everybody laughed Cadenza left to use the bathroom. OK Laurence your up. Garroth told him. Let me think. He said. I'm awesome, I'm handsome, My sister dyed my hair red. He said. You are playing the game wrong. I told him. How? He asked. You are telling 2 lies. I told him. What are they? He asked. The lies are that you are handsome and you are awesome. I told him. Everybody laughed. What are you talking about?have you seen this face? He asked. I have. I'm trying not to though. I told him. Why? Are you going to drool? He asked. Everybody laughed. Drool? No, throw up? Probaly. I told him. Everybody laughed. Actually 3 lies. Cadenza said coming back. I dyed your hair orange. She told us. Wow! Laurence! Why you always lie in bro? Lowell asked. After a few more rounds we stopped and most people went to bed. Laurence,Taylor,Garroth,and I stayed up. We decided to play hide'n'seek. I was on a team with Garroth. Are you kidding Laurence? Have you heard my voice? Girls love my voice. Garroth yelled at Laurence. Nice try Garroth but girls dig my soft smooth voice. Laurence yelled back. Thats fine you can have the voice I'll have the face. Garroth yelled back. Found them all! You guys have to find us now. Taylor he has dishonored my voice! We have to win! Laurence told Taylor. Actually I said you could have the voice I'll have the face. Garroth told them. We won the game. The next day we finally mad it to O'Kahsis.

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