The Chase

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Travis POV
Aph and Zane arrived late last night. So we decided to stay at Aphmaus for the night. There was a girls side and a boys side and Kaytlen said that she will not hesitate if the boys even look at the girls side after Aphmau or any other girl is asleep. Aron,Garroth,Zane,Vylad and Jeffory you guys are aloud to come and go from both sides as you please. Kaytlen said. Why them!?! All the other boys asked. Because they are the less likely to do anything to anyone of the girls while they sleep she answered. Not true! Laurence said. Really coming from the guy that carried Aph to her room and tried kiss her while she was sleeping! Zane said. Wait what! Aphmau yelled! Yeah I remember that it was hilarious because then Laurence got a punch in the face frome Cadenza! Then Laurence started to chase me. Saying how I was dead. Actually I feel pretty alive right now I said to Laurence. The chase ended out with me tripping over Aphmau and Landing on top of her. In her room. I wasn't trying anything I swear! Laurence was chasing me and I ran into a random door then locked it behind me then I backed up. How was I posed to know that it was Aphmaus room! I ended out of top of her....until she turned and ended out on top of me. Then I pulled her closer and kissed her she had no choice but to kiss me back. Then I ended back on top of her then...SMASH.... her door was broken turns out that Garroth knocked down her door. Just then I was ripped off her and got a slap. What do you think we're doing with my gal?! Laurence yelled at me. Your gal?! Aphmau questioned.
Aphmaus POL
Laurence just called me his gal! Your gal?! I questioned. That's not what I mean I ment- he tried but I cut him off. No! I know exactly what you ment. You ment that since you called dibs that you automatically get me. I totally get it! Come on Abby it's time for me and Kaytlen to help you train. Your training her to? That's how she's been getting better. Kaytlen said. Yeah come on I have a special place to train with her. Follow me. They both followed me to me used to be secret room. This room I thought you said that you had a secret room. Everybody knows about this room now. She said. You think this is the ONLY room no I have a room like these at every book shelf. But this is the only one with the armor I gave Abby. You can pick some stuff out to Kaytlen. You gave her armor and a holy weapon! Is there anything you didn't give her for battle? She asked. Yeah I didn't give her a sheild. She needs to learn to use the weapon before she gets a sheild. What type of armor did you give her? She asked. Mintheral set but a skirt in stead of leggings. I answered while making sure Abby had her armor correctly on. MINTHERAL! She yelled. Yeah now are you going to take a weapon and armor or not? I ask. Your letting me keep any weapon I want and armor? She said amazed. Well yeah I already have 2 weapons and 2 different type of armor. I have a diamond sword and a holy sword and I have diamond and holy armor. I usally wear holy armor because it dissappear so people can only see my cloths I said. Now stand still for a second I can usally tell what type of weapon and armor people will do best in. OK Kaytlen said. Hmm I'm thinking fire fists and sapphire armor. I got down the fire fist and armor. There put this on I said handing the stuff to her. OK now I'll gear up in my diamond stuff and we will head to my other secret room that the boys won't know about. Now there is 2 ways to get there we could go through a secret entrance in this room that leads to the other 5 rooms or we could take the quicker way and go through my house. They both said quicker way. OK but I'm gonna show you guys the secret entrance just in case there is an attack like I said to Abby. I lead them over to a wall I tell them to follow me on the wall I had the only wooden stuff above it so I wouldn't forget wear it was. I walked through the wall then they followed me.
Kaytlens POV
Is it just me or is Aphmau just getting cooler by the second! She is nice,not selfish,do sent make a huge deal that every pb has a crush on her,doesn't brag about who her parents are,does anything for her friends, and she let me and Abby have brand new good weapons and armor! She also stands up for what she belives in and dosent care what other people think of her. She showed us her secret passage and showed us where each room is as we walked by I noticed some stuff in one room and in the middle oof it all was a big hammer with the words mjolnir on it. Hey Aphmau what's that stuff? What's what stuff? She asked. The stuff in the locked up room that says emergency only. Stuff in case we are under attack. I took one last look and we at the hammer and we turned around going back the way we came to the other book shelfs that will lead us to the rooms. The one in her bedroom is the room that leads to the hammer I saw. Why was it so important that she has right next to her room? I'll check it out later. When we were walking to the book shelf in the basement that leads to the training room. The boys stopped us. ABBY!?! What armor or you wearing? Jeffory asked. Aphmau said it was called Mintheral armor but instead of leggings I got a skirt. Abby answered. Why is she wearing Mintheral Armor Aphmau!?! Jeffory asked. Well if she is gonna learn how to fight then she needs to get used to the feeling of armor. I answerd. He looked over at me and almost freaked out! FIRE FIST AND SAPHIRE!!! Those to are complete opposites!! Saphire is a water stone! Fire and water don't mix! They are dangerous together! Jeffory said. Just like Kaytlen. And yes they are dangerous together but they are also strong. Aphmau said. What about you Aphmau! I don't see any armor or any weapon! All the boys except Laurence yelled. That's because she dosent want them to appear she wants them invisible same with her weapon Laurence said. What do you mean? Garroth asked. Watch what happens very closely because it will only appear for a few seconds when I do this. Laurence said, Aphmau can I borrow your iron sword? Sure Aphmau said as handing him one. He hits it against her arm but nothing happened except that Aphmaus armor was visible only for a few seconds only long enough to see pure white armor and a pure white sword then it disappeared again and the sword broke.
Aphmaus POV
When the sword broke you should have seen the boys faces! There mouth dropped down to the ground! It was price less! We asked the boys to go and they went up stairs. IT was the same type of book a coloring book that needed to be pulled to enter. When we finished training we went back up stairs and went to bed since the had school in the morning.

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