Start of an Attack

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Aphmaus POV
I could feel like something was gonna change today....but in a bad way. We all decided to not go to school today even Abby didn't go to school. Lucinda,Zaoey,Kawii~chan, and myself new something really bad was gonna happen today. We all went over to my place and we all talked. Me and Kaytlen went off we said that we were gonna train. But before we did that I got every one there some weapons. I made sure that every one had at least a weapon. I got Garroth a diamond sword and shield with full iron,Laurence emarld sword and shield with full iron,Dante got ruby katonannas with full iron,Jeffory got emerald armor and a gold scythe,Castor got nothing he brought his suit and bow and arrows in a chest I put all my armor and weapons including mine, all the girls had diamond armor and diamond daggers or magic armor and wands and staffs, and Travis and Vylad got demonic blades and iron armor. Why doesn't you or Castor need anything? Laurence asked. Because we have stuff prepared for this. I said. Castor,Kaytlen come on. I called. Where are we going Kaytlen asked as she followed me to my bedroom. We are going some where no ssshhh before we don't take you! Castor snaped. We are heading to the room that you were curious about before I answered. To mjolnir? She asked, yes I said as we went in to the room. Where is Castor? She asked. He stayed back so he could change in his super suit I said quickly. Now stand all the way back over there I ordered her she listened. Why? She asked. Do you want to get struck by lighting? I snapped. She stayed quiet until Castor came in with the everyone and said There here! Castor you weren't posed to bring everyone! I yelled I didn't the saw me in you room while I was about to come in and came in with me! He snapped back. Whatever there's no time to get them out. Guys go over to that wall and stay there no matter what happens! Got it?! Good! I throw Caster my crystal with a emergency help button that will send our location to the few so they will come. Here you remeber what to do right? He nodded his head yes. OK everyone what ever you do do not move from that wall unless you want to get strict by lightning!

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