How you met

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Sal: Today was the day that my best friend Bessie was getting fitted for her wedding dress. I was beyond happy for her and I wish her the best of luck. The man she was marrying was Joe Gatto from my favorite television show, 'Impractical Jokers'. So as the days are crawling closer to her big day, Bessie wanted me to come with her to choose her dress. "Woah." She said as we walked through the doors of the bridal shop. "Woah is right. Look at all of these dresses Bess." I practically shrieked. "They're all so pretty. I don't even know how I'm gonna choose one." "Well isn't that why I'm here?" Bessie laughed and we were greeted by one of the workers. "Hello my name is Stacie (if that's your name then feel free to change it) and I will be helping you this afternoon." Stacie was a young preppy blonde haired woman with beautiful features. I have to admit she did seem to make me feel a bit insecure. "Hi, I'm Bessie and this is (Y/N)." Bessie's voice brought me back out of my tranced state. "We're just here to try on some dresses." Stacie smiled at us, uh she looked like a freakin goddess. "Right this way." We followed her into a back room filled with big, elegant, white wedding dresses. As we were looking I found a beautiful long mermaid tail gown that was diamond embedded and flowed down to the bottom. "Oh my God Bessie! You have to try this on!" I said, turning around and placing the dress in front of her. Her eyes went wide and she took it from me, "That is gorgeous!...there is just one problem though." "What is it?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "It's not my size." I took the dress from her and looked at the tag. She was right it wasn't her size, it was mine. "Why don't you try it on (Y/N)?" Bessie said, nudging me toward the dressing room. "Who? Me? No, I don't think so. It's not my wedding we're shopping for, it's yours." I placed the dress back on the rack only for it to be taken down and shoved into my hand by Bessie. "Don't be ridiculous, your day will come and when it does you'll already have a dress waiting for you." I sighed and immediately gave in. I took off my bird printed dress and got into the wedding gown. I stood there, looking at myself in the mirror. I smiled with content and made my way out into the viewing area. I noticed that Bessie was talking to some guy who was pretty well dressed and had on glasses and a nice clean cut beard. It took me a minute to realize that Bessie was talking to the Sal Vulcano, my biggest celebrity crush. Once Bessie saw me she gasped, "You look incredible!" Sal even looked at me which made my cheeks grow red. "It doesn't make me look big does it?" I asked, kinda skeptical now that Sal was here. "You look beautiful." Sal interrupted, "The man your marrying is very lucky to have someone as beautiful as you." He added, stuttering a bit. Bessie laugh, "(Y/N)'s not getting married. I just convinced her to try on the dress." "Oh, your the maid of honor?" Sal asked and I nodded. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I said, sticking out my hand. "Sal Vulcano." He replied, shaking my hand. "I know, I'm a huge fan of the show. Your my favorite." I mentally face palmed. Sal laughed, "Well thank you. I have to get going now, Bessie I'll see ya later." He gave Bessie a quick hug and then turned back over to me. "(Y/N) I hope to see you soon." "I hope to see you soon as well." I replied with a smile which he returned. After he left Bessie smirked and said, "Looks like your gonna need that dress sooner then you thought." "Shut up." I laughed and went to the back to change into my regular clothing.

Joe: Finally some time to just unwind and relax. Free from work and all the other bullshit that life has thrown at me. My best friend and I were on a cruise, just the two of us. She had won them on the radio last week and they said that she could take a friend, so here we are living large for a few days. We were currently inside our suite getting ready to go on deck and sunbathe. "You have the sunscreen right (Y/N)?" (Y/F/N) asked from the bathroom. "Yeah it's inside the bag." I told her as she walked out in her black and white two piece. "Okay we have snacks, sunscreen, towels, glasses, and the room key. Are we missing anything else?" She said. "Nope. We're all good, now let's hurry. We don't want all the good spots to be taken." We left our suite and walked toward the deck. Once we got there we found two open white lawn chairs and snagged them before anyone else could. Laying down our towels on the chairs (Y/F/N) said, "I'm gonna go get us some drinks. What do you want?" "Get me a Margarita on the rocks please." I told her as I sat down, getting out the sunscreen from the bag. I squeezed some onto my hands and rubbed ever inch of skin that wasn't covered by my bathing suite. As I was placing the bottle of sunscreen on (Y/F/N)s chair I heard grunting noises coming from the other side of the deck. I turned my head and my (Y/E/C) eyes met with clear blue ones. He was in a T-shirt and a pair of shorts that were obviously to small for him. I noticed that he kept on dropping his phone and when he went to pick it up he would stick out his ass, as if he was trying to rip the blue shorts that he was in. Everyone that was on deck was laughing at the situation. After watching him for about five minutes he muttered something and then left. I chuckled and was about to start sunbathing when I saw a phone lying in the middle of the deck. It was the guy's phone. So I turned over to a lady next to me and asked if she would watch my things so I could return the phone. She said that she would or at least until her husband got back from the bar. I walked over to the phone and picked it up. I exited the deck in the same direction as the man. I heard a couple of deep male voices coming from the edge of the ship. That's when I saw him. He was surrounded by three other men who seemed to be about his age. "Excuse me?" I spoke up causing them all to look at me. "Uh, sir you dropped your cell phone." I explained as I handed it over to him. "Oh shit, I forgot to pick it up when I dropped it." He said. "Thanks..." The man seemed to be fishing for my name. "(Y/N)." He smiled at me with a big goofy grin, "Thanks (Y/N). I'm Joe and these are my friends Sal, Murr, and Q." The men all waved, "Hi guys." I greeted. "So (Y/N) are you here with anyone?" Murr asked. "Just my friend but that's about it." I said. "Would you and your friend care to join us for drinks?" Brian asked. I gladly accepted his offer as I wanted to know more about Joe. "Great! It's on Murr." Joe said, laughing as his friend playfully hit his arm. Tonight seems like it's gonna be a wild night.

Brian: "Hey Felix I need you to clean up table three please." I told my friend/employee. "No problem (Y/N)." The black haired boy replied with a smile. Well it took some time but I finally did it. I finally opened up my own bakery like I had planned for years ever since I was in high school. It was like a dream come true. I was currently in the kitchen working on another batch a cupcakes when Felix came back in telling me that someone was asking for me at table eight. "Alright give me a sec." I said as I quickly scooped the batter into the cupcake tins and placed them into the oven. I washed my hands and took off my apron. Walking out I spotted a very familiar couple, it was Mary and Walter (I don't remember his parents name so I'm sorry if I got that wrong) two of my best customers. They came here ever Sunday after church, but today they were with somebody else. "Hey there." I greeted with a smile and a couple of hugs. "Hey (Y/N) how are ya?" Walter asked as he sipped his coffee. "Oh, I'm doing well. How was church?" I asked as I noticed that the man that sat across from them was staring at me. "The service was great, Father Jacobs really knows how to give a powerful and meaningful sermon." Mary praised. "Well that's nice to hear. Oh and I've been meaning to ask you, when is the church bake sale again?" I said. "It's next Sunday." "Alright I'll be there. So do you guys want the usual?" "Yes. Oh, (Y/N) have you met our son Brian?" Walter asked me as he pointed across the table to a bearded man with long hair. He was pretty cute for someone who looked as if he had just gotten out of bed. "No actually I haven't." I said as I stuck out my hand. "It's nice to met you (Y/N), my parents say that you make the best cupcakes." Brain said as he shook my hand. "Well I don't like to brag but yes, yes I do." I joked. "I like your shirt." He complimented as I realized that I was wearing my Marvels Avengers shirt. "Oh thank you." "Brian here is a big comic book nerd." Mary said, laughing a bit. "Really, what's your favorite comic?" I asked him. "Uh, I'm kind of a sucker for Superman." He told me a bit embarrassed. As if he was scared of me knowing the truth. "Superman is pretty cool but I prefer (F/S/H) ." Brian smiled, "I actually have tons of (F/S/H) comics." "Well I just might have to borrow them sometime don't I?" I said a bit flirtatiously. As I walked back over to the kitchen to place their order and had written my number on a napkin. Once the order was done I sent Felix to give them their food and made sure that he gave the napkin with my number on it to Brian. About forty minutes later I saw Brian over at the register getting ready to pay. Once they left I was worried on whether or not he got my number, that is until my new cashier, Jenni, gave me a receipt with a number on it and it said, thanks for the cupcake, cupcake -Brian. I laughed to myself, that man was something else.

James: It was my best friends birthday and he was having a party. I arrived at his house around five because that's usually the time when I get off work. I brought an extra pair of clothes to change in because I didn't want to be in my uniform the entire night. I knocked on (Y/G/F/N)s front door and waited about two minutes before he opened it. "(Y/N), I'm so glad your here!" (Y/G/F/N) cheered with glee. I wrapped my arms around him, engulfing him in a massive bear hug. "Happy Birthday! Sorry I'm late, my boss was driving me up the wall. She wanted me to work late again, but I just told her I had a family emergency." I said as I made my way further into his house that was filled with people. Some of whom I'm very familiar with and some of whom I have know idea at all. "Well I'm very glad you came." "Well I wouldn't miss it for the world, you only turn thirty once right?" "In my family you turn thirty for the rest of your life." (Y/G/F/N) joked. I excused myself and rushed to the upstairs bathroom to change. I put on a yellow dress and a black blazer. I left my shoes alone and did a quick touch up on my hair and makeup. After I was done I went back downstairs and went to go grab a drink. "(Y/N)!" I turned around see (Y/G/F/N) waving you over to him and four other guys. I walked over to him, drink in hand, "What's up man?" I asked. "(Y/N) I want you to meet a couple of friends of mine. This is Joe, Sal, Brian but we call him Q, and James but we all call him Murr." I smiled at them and waved politely. I couldn't help but noticed that the man I now know as James was staring at me. I smiled at him and he returned it. I mean I have to admit he is pretty cute."He also goes by Ferret." The guy I assume is Joe said, causing the others (including him) to laugh. "Why is that?" I asked with confusion. "Because his entire face resembles the one of a Ferret. Not to mention he acts like one all of the time." A well dressed guy with a clean cut beard told me, I think his name was Sal. I looked over at James, who seemed a bit hurt by his friends words. I walked up to him and whispered, "If it's any consolation I think Ferrets are really cute." He looked up p, a bit surprised by my forwardness and asked, "Do you wanna dance?" I smiled at him, "I would love to." And with that James took my hand and lead me to the center of the living room. We danced for a while and then ended up talking for what seemed like hours. In the end we swapped numbers and agreed to meet again sometime soon.

A/N: I'm sorry if they're horrible.

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