Cake Adventures with Amy

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Sarah Beth~

I had only been there for two hours and I was ready to beat my head against the wall.

Earlier that day, Cal had called Ashley and I, and invited us to come over to discuss the law suit . I thought it would be no big deal, I mean, I took Wizarding Law through out school. This would be easy. I mean, how different could Muggle Law be?...

I discovered very.

As soon as we got there he sat us down and began using gargen that I had never heard before in my life. I glanced over at Ashley, to see that he seemed just as lost. Basically, Cal would say things and we would shake our heads in agreement, hoping that it was something we wanted to agree too. This was exactly how it was for two hours straights, with the exception of around an hour into it, Amy brought us tea. 

Now I couldn't take this anymore, and I was making sure to make it known.

" I can't take this anymore!" I exclaimed, letting my head fall forwards onto the coffee table. "I am so bored, I might just die!" It was true: There was a list of things I would rather be doing than discussing this (Bathing Triangle-Face,Cleaning, Talking to Auntie, Talk to Rufus about his collection of suits, Watching Paint Dry...), expecially since I couldnn't understand it. 

"Oh?" Cal questioned as if this bordom had been oblivious to him. Perhaps it had been.

"Please just stop..." I pleaded. He looked down at the porfolio he was holding that held, from what I could understand, helpful deatails about our case and leads that could prove us innocent.

"Part of the building is in your name. You have to know this." He explained. I let out a long and over exagerated sigh. 

"But it' s sooo boaring!" I argued. I looked over at Ashley.

"What?" He questioned. I waited for him to agree with me,  but it never came. "We need to be kept up to date, or we could lose the Brew before we even really get it going.'"

"Can't you just do it?" I moane.d He considered this.

"Yes, I suppose I can, but you don't have anywhere to go."

"I can go back home and-"

"With what?" He interupted. 

"The car?" I replied.

"No. No. No. I'm not letting you drive my car. You'll run someone over or something."

"I hadn't happened yet!" I defended. 

"Yet." He emphasised. I sighed.

"Ashley, this is way too boring! Do I need to tell you my list of things I'd rather be doing? There's a list!"


"What is all of this yelling?" Amy came in again to bring us more tea. I looked at her.

"They," I started, pointing to the boys, "Are way too boring!"

"Oh, I see..." She chuckled. I looked around, wondering what was so funny. After a moment or two of still not finding what was so humerous, I turned back to her. "I didn't realise you weren't enjoying yourself. I'm sorry..." She began to appologize. Suddenly, I started to feel bad: I'm pretty sure Amy's goal in life was to be a good hostest. Before she married Cal, she worked as a Wedding Planner (Which explained her expertice in my wedding that she was helping plan). She loved hosting things and tried her hardest to make sure her guests her happy and comfortible. This wasn't really her fault...

"Oh, no, it's fine. I just don't like listening to them tlaking about law stuff because I don't understand what they're saying." 

"Well..." She thought for a moment. "If you want to, we can look at things for the wedding. After all, if you want to have everything ready by Augest, we need to start."  She suggested. I felt my eyes light up. 

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