A Visit Long Past Due

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Sarah Beth~

That night I was extremely jumpy. After Ashley walked me to the door from the car, he told me to sit on the couch as he went into the kitchen to make us a snack. He came back with a bowl of popcorn. We sat and watched The Wizard of Oz until I, at last, fell asleep with Ashley's arm holding me close to him.

When I woke up I was no longer on the couch, but cuddles up in bed next to Ashley. He was still asleep, so I rolled onto of him and kissed him. My plan worked and he woke up, startled.

"Good morning." He yawned then kissed me back.

"Hey, I'm going out today." I rubbed the stubble on his chin. "But I don't know when I will be back."

"Where are you going?" He rubbed his eyes, then grabbed his glasses off of the nightstand.

"To visit Auntie." I said, feeling guilt creep up inside . I hadn't visited her in a long while, which was terrible of me. She needed me, and I was letting her down.

"Do... you want me to come?" He offered. I shook my head. Auntie didn't' like him, and I didn't wantto deal with it. Besides, I had questions that I needed answered, and I didn't want her distracted.

"No, I want to go alone." I started, tracing his jaw line. "But you can make me breakfast!" He laughed.

"Okay. What do you want?" He started to get up, forcing me to roll off of him.

"Pancakes... and sausage... and apple juice!"

"I think you can pout your own apple juice." He shook my arm before going through the house. I laid in bed, thinking of how Auntie might react, until I heard the frying of sausage from the kitchen.

I force myself to get out of bed ,and after going to the bathroom, went into the kitchen and sat down. Ashley put my plate in front of me, along wit ha glass of apple juice. I smiled; I knew he was going to get it for me.

"So, you don't now when you'll be back?"

"No clue. As long as Auntie want me there, I guess. " I cut off part of my sausage and ate it.

"Okay. Jeff's suppose to show me where the Brew will be today."

"Oh, really?" I bit into a pancake.

"Yeah. I wanted you to come with me, but if you want to go see your Aunt, then I'm not going to stop you."


We continued to make casual conversation as we ate. When I finished, I put my plate and glass into the sink and went back into the bathroom. After a quick shower and getting dressed, I emerged, feeling pretty fresh. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail, like I used to do when I played Qudditch, and exited into the living room. Ashley was on the couch with the cats, curled up around him.

"Are you leaving now?" He looked up at me.

"Yeah." I grabbed Triangle-Face from his side and Ashley looked at me a bit confused. "Auntie likes kitties." I explained. He shook his head, smiling.

"Okay, whatever. Have fun." I bent down and he gave me a quick goodbye kiss. "I love you."

"Love you, too." I replied before Apparating into the Main floor of the psyche warn at St. Mungo's.

"Hello!" I happily greeted the woman at the counter. "I'm here to see my Auntie! Dolores Umbridge. Is she still where she has been?" The man looked at a chart that was laying in front of him.

"Sarah Beth Cumberland?" He questioned in a clear crisp voice.

"Yep!" I gave him an excited smile. HE eyes Triangle-Face in curiosity.

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