chapter 21

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When everything was done, everyone came back to the house. I had the three baby cubs in my hand purring to them.
It was 2 male and 1 female.
I was still thinking of a good name for the three of them.

“Hey Cody can you help me with names for the baby's?” I asked nervously. I don't know why I was nervous, probably because I thought the cubs are not his.

“Yeah sure.” He said. He was thinking a lot of it too. I could see his gears in his head moving. And I could hear him too.

“I think Alexis will be good for the female? Or one of the male. Because that name is unisex so... ”
He trailed off. That was so cute.
The name and him of course.

“I'll name her Alexis then. The name of my best friend and aunt for u little one.” I was taking to my baby girl.

“what about James and Brandon for the two?”

He said that wasn't a bad names they are cute for them too.

“OK the one in the left us Brandon and on the right us James. ”

I said to Cody. He smiled and went up to me and planted a kiss in my head.

Then Brandon started to cry. So I started to purr at him and kiss his forehead to calm him down.

He seems calm and I stopped and looked out at the window. Outside was very beautiful for go out on a walk. But I can't right now.

' FINALLY MY BABY'S ARE BORN.'  I heard a voice in my head. I jumped up almost waking up the baby's. Cody noticed my shock.

“what's the matter Jake?” He said.  I wanted right answer but then the door flew open and I saw the person that tormented me for a long time now.

“well hello there I see MY BABY CUBS ARE BORN.” He said.

“Oh no there are not yours. You might have made him pregnant. But I'm the true mate here and there mine and so is Jake. ” I heard Cody yell at Stan.

Then the three baby's started to cry in unison. I tried to control them but their wailing was so loud and powerful.

Stan started to shake and he was covering his ears as hard as he could.

Then I saw baby Alexis hand turn pink then Brandon and James hand turn blue and black. The light hit Stan straight towards his face and he malted right on the floor. He was finally dead.

Stan my abuser finally died. The baby's finally calmed down and went back to sleep. I saw how Brandon cuddles James. Cody saw too and looked at me.

“I guess there mates then. Well when they turn older I'll have to separate them far from each other. ”

He said jokingly. I smiles and kisses all my babes. Finally peace in my life with the love of my life.

OK the story is almost at its end. Probably 2 or 3 more chapters y'all tell me please.
Sorry again for falling y'all for an update the stress if school is too much. All of the drama is too much and band too lol I have to practice tons so when I go to high school I can be top band in Marching band too.

So I'll still be trying to up date the most I can.

I might create a sequel of this book too I don't know yet.
Maybe y'all can tell me.

Follow lol

Song: death to your heart
From BOTDF (blood on the dance floor)

Well bye see y'all on the next chapter.

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