chapter 10

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I was in my packs forest walking. This is was my Daly routine when ever I just want to think. Me and Cody with a baby. How are we going to take care if him? Am I prepare to take this huge responsibility of a baby? Are my parents going to allow me to have this baby? All of this questions were swelling in my head. But they were in gone when I heard a low growl. I snapped my head to that direction and saw this huge wolf with bloody red eyes. “MINE.” He growls at me?
Did he said mine towards me? I snapped out if thought when I saw the wolf run. That's when I smelled his sent. I gasped. Stan? No how......
I was pulled out of my thoughts when Stan knocked me out.

How is it possible I thought h burned that day?
How did he survived?
How did he found me?
Why did he said mine when he saw me?
All of this questions were in my head. But I let the darkness take me away for now.

Finally my love. Finally I founded you and now I have you. No one is going to take us apart. If they ever try they are going to die. I heard Jake move in the bed were I ride him up. That was the same bed were I ride him up the first day I founded him. All of the stains, smells,  and all of the memory's were there. Now that I have him here I can create more memories.

OK I'll stop here I'm disgusted of writing this chapter.  So I'll stop right there. What you think of Stan?
Is that name good for him?
Y'all tell me.
Song we don't bite

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