chapter 7

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I froze when Cody said that. I rememberd when that guy said that.
“Hey Jakey.” said someone. “Ummm. Hi Mr. Do I know you? ” I said to him.
“I don't thinks so. I'm new in your pack.” He said............
“Jake do you know how to catch fairys ?” He said. “No. My dad was gonna Tech me but he is to busy right now.” I told him. “Well you want to find out.” He said really close to ear.
I didn't know that I was doing till I hard Cody trying to control my breathing. “Jake. Jake. Hey Jake breath baby. Breath.” He kept telling me. “ Are you OK?” Cody asked. “Yes i-i-im OK.” I told him. “OK. What happen baby? Did I scared you why. I told you that. I'm so sorry if I try to take it fast OK I really am sorry.” He kept repeating.
“No is okay I remember something. That bright me. Well I guess a panic attack.?” I said more like an question.
“ Ummm. You want to tell me what was this memory if yours?” Cody said. “No I'm sorry but I can't tell you is a really dark memories. That brings me pain. ” I told him. Cody got disappointed. But he hid that really quick with another emotion.

11:00 pm

I was laying on my bed on Skype with Alexis. We were talking about Cody.
“ So what was with him in the hospital?” “He is my mate. He got mad because you said we were a couple and I only use my lips on yours. So he got pissed and started to do what he did.” “ Oh sorry I didn't knew he was your mate. So why was he beating you up in school for the last couple of years if he knows you were his mate?” “ I don't know I haven't asked him that yet. Today we were taking about my dad and how I was born.” “ Oh and what happend?” “well he asked how was I born I told him that my dad has a girl wolf spirit.” “Yeah.” “He told he if I can have children.” “Yeah.....  Oh God no I just saw. You had that memory of that guy didn't you?” sniff “Yeah and I had a panic attack. I can't control my emotions when I remember those memories. Then he asked if can know why I had a panic attack. “ You didn't told him. Then he got dissapointed, because you didn't want to tell him.” “Yeah. Now I don't know what to do. Do I tell him. Or I don't tell him. Can you check with your powers.?” “ Sure..........  well I saw that.......  You won't like this........................ ” She told me I was shocked what she had told he. I can't believe he is gonna do that. But why? “Thanks well I have to go.” “OK bye” We hanged up and I went to sleep thinking. What Alexis told me.

Well I wasn't lucky to become a teacher. But I was lucky that I found a stronger scent if him. This time it lead he to this pack called The moon stone pack. I guess this is his pack, well I know that this pack had lots of soldiers. So it won't be an easy task to get him.

But I got a plan.

OK you guys I'll stop right here. U have an announcement to say. Thanks to all of the people that are reading my story it's a pleasure that you guys like my book. Special thanks to:
And all of the people that read, comment, vote, and add my story to their reading lists.
I'm really grateful for y'all. This shows me that my effort are being showed and that I don't bored y'all.
So thank you all
Song:  dirty picture by ke$ha
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OK now for reals byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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