chapter 16

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Frank showed me the video that was sent to him.
I was capable of finding the location but only little bit of the area was found. The spell is complete by now so I'll just have to tell Frank.

"Hey Frank the spell is complete where do you want me to use it?"
I told him.
"Now would be better we gave to save him. " He said. I nodded and went to fetch the spell.

" spirits hear me plea. Please help me what I want to seek, by the power of three so be." I changed the spell 5 times and we were capable of smelling Jake from were we were.

His sent was covered in an extra sent, that's probably the baby that he is going to have. I just hope that we can save Jake in time.

I can feel the cub inside my stomach. I can feel his kicks and turns. At least Stan feeds me now. Since I have a baby in the way now. He stopped hitting me and using me. He really have been so nice to me, he tells me nice tings and brings me gifts for me and the child. But I know it's an act right when I give birth to him or her he is going to start beating and using me.

Hey guys happy super late new year's sorry I haven't uploaded In so long. My phone that I had broke and I the new one that I had didn't had wattpad.
Now that I this new new one I can finally upload. So sorry it's short too I just forgot what else to write too sorry.
And follow
Picture: dead link

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