chapter 20

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I felt a pain going through my stomach all the way down my waist.

The pain was so much that I was crying and screaming in pain.

“w-w-whats the matter Jake?
Are you alright?”
Said Cody.

I wanted tell him yes but the pain made it impossible to speak.
So I just nodded. Slowly.

I was cover in sweat, that Cody might slip me it he trying to pick me up.

“t-t-the pain? H-h-help”
I told him. He nodded and left the room, to get someone.

The pain was so much. Was the baby's on the way?  No it can't be it's been 8 months. The cubs still have a month left.

'Jake camp down. Don't over stress yourself.' said Alexis.

What dose she mean? 'what you mean?' I told her.

'all of us left the pack house even Cody. He don't left till you woken up. He knew it was dangerous but he stayed. He nearly killed you and the cubs.' she said.

What did she meant by that?
I wanted to tell her but I guess she already read what I wanted to tell her.

'Stan has magic too so when he
You know. Have you his ummmm....seeds..... That contains some of his magic.
So his cub are born a day early and they have magic. The super pain is the magic it's getting.' she explained to me.

Oh so that's why then. Well I guess the cubs are coming

'you will need to shift in to a wolf
And let it do the rest. Don't stop your wolf OK.'
She commented.

I said OK.  And did what she said. I let the wolf take control and he was cutting the place were the sac and the holes space. I felt tree  lumps sliding out and I saw my baby cubs.

OK I'll stop there I hope y'all liked this miracle birth. Lol
I hope its good cuz I have no idea were a baby will come out if a guy gave birth.

Anyways I hope y'all loved it.

And follow

Sorry no song for this chapter.
I have no song good enough for a birth chapter.

So I guess byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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