Author's Note #11: Edits, New Posting Schedule and More

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Hello readers! I want to start by apologizing for the fact that I haven't uploaded anything in a couple of days, sorry. Also, that gif of Yamato... Greatest thing ever! The last two/three days I have gone through the entire book so far and proof read it. I cleaned up some syntax in my earlier chapters, found some places where I had skipped words, and fixed some errors with my commas and semicolons. There are probably still grammatical errors that I missed, but it makes me happy that I was able to eliminate a lot of them. I also changed the 1k Reads Special A/N some because I realized that I missed quite a few of the stats that are in the Data Book entries. I added those if you want to go back and look. The other thing is that my life has gotten a lot busier lately. First of all I'm trying to find a job, which will unfortunately remove a lot of my writing time, but I really want money. Financial independence how I long for thee! Up until now I have just been posting as soon as I finish typing a chapter. Usually I upload daily or sometimes even multiple times in a day, but that is sadly going to have to change. I no longer have the time necessary to do that. T^T  I really wish that I didn't have more responsibilities in my life, but sadly it's not something that I can avoid. So I am going to create a set schedule for posting so that you guys know when to look for new chapters and so that I can stay consistent even if I don't have time to write. I am going to try and keep the uploads biweekly so expect to see new chapters every Sunday and Thursday. I am going to try and strictly follow that schedule. The good news about the posting schedule is that I will have time to work on some different stories too. I currently have one Kakashi One-Shot up and I really like it so I am hoping to do some more short pieces like that in the future. Also, I have a collection of blogs, rants, anecdotes and art up called Ramblings and I will continue posting to that almost daily (the posts are supper tiny, like 200 to 500ish words in general as opposed to the really long several thousand word chapters that I post to this story so it's a lot easier to update in my free time). Also, I have two ideas for new books as well that I will be working on to begin posting after A Hole in One's Heart  is done. (T^T talking about finishing this book makes me sad. I've really grown attached to my plot and OC's.) One is another Kakashi x OC and the other is the original novel that I've mentioned few times already. I hope that you guys don't mind too much that this book is going to be coming out slower now, but I can't keep up with the pace that I have been posting with how hectic my life has been lately. So sorry about that, guys. I feel really badly that I am not going to be posting as commonly now, but sadly I do have to sleep at some point otherwise I would just continue writing at my current pace. (Sometimes I really wish that I didn't have to sleep, I could get so much more done if that was the case.) I am just going to have to make up for my slower schedule by making the chapters better! Alrighty then, that's all that I have to say for this A/N. See you on Sunday for the next update! (I'm sorry, but I won't be able to post anything tomorrow on Thursday, I'm drowning in papers, trying to find work, and other responsibilities right now.) Sorry again for posting less!

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