Chapter 30: Kekkei Genkai

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This is the start of Tsunade, Jiraiya, Naruto, Shizune, and Ana's fight against Orochimaru and Kabuto. This fight will be two parts and part two will be coming pretty soon. Finally a chapter which wasn't just reiterating the events of the anime... Enjoy!


     I woke up with Tsunade kneeling over me, a green light emanating from her hands and healing my damaged mind. She was looking at Jiraiya and I with a new found curiosity. Being the best medical ninja in the world, Tsunade knew that my loss of consciousness did not come from a physiological source.

     "Ana, Ana, are you okay? What happened? Why'd you faint?" Naruto's rapid fire questions were making my brain hurt.

     "Please, talk a little quieter." He closed his mouth and nodded. "I'm fine, I think that it was just the fumes from the sake bottles," I lied. "I'm a light weight and alcohol makes me super dizzy." Naruto seemed convinced, good, but Tsunade was giving me a knowing look. It was obvious to the medical-nin that I was full of crap. Sake fumes wouldn't cause me to pass out like this.

     "Alright, Naruto. Why don't you go back to the inn and get some rest; you are going to need it if you want to have the rasengan mastered in one week." Jiraiya was smiling, but his voice betrayed how upset with the situation he was. After Naruto ran off, I turned to the powerful ninjas that were hovering over me.

     "What'd I miss while I was out?"

     "Tsunade here bet Naruto that if he could master the rasengan in one week she would accept that he was capable of becoming Hokage and give him her necklace." My eyes were wide, 'The necklace that I had seen in my vision?' Shizune excused herself and ran off. I had a feeling that she was going to go and talk to Naruto about his bet.

     "Tell me the truth," Tsunade glared down at me, "what the hell happened to you?"

     I looked at Jiraiya since I wasn't sure how much I could reveal. "Well, it's classified, and you're not technically part of the village any more..."

     "Don't give me that bull!"

     "No, Tsunade, it is classified." Jiraiya had come to my defense. "However, you were right, Ana, I would know when it happened. But there weren't any of the seizures or screaming that I was promised..." Was he upset that I didn't have a seizure or was he poking fun at me? Either way, I couldn't be sure, but I was pissed that he was making light of my situation.

     "It was small that's why. Only large visions cause a fever and screaming fit." Tsunade was watching carefully. She knew what Jiraiya was doing. We couldn't tell her what was going on directly, but there was nothing to stop her from figuring out what was going on by herself.

     "Visions..." Tsunade was staring at me very intensely. "This reeks of Orochimaru." When neither of us contradicted her statement she nodded.

     "So what did you see this time?" Jiraiya looked really excited that he was finally able to be part of my whole vision thing.

     I glanced up at Tsunade. "Nawaki Senju and Dan Kato." She paled. "I saw them receiving the First Hokage's necklace and then I saw them dying. And, Jiraiya, stop acting so damn excited. This sucks; I'm tired of watching people die."

     Tsunade was staring at me like she was trying not cry her eyes out after hearing about what I had seen. "How..."

     "We really aren't sure; only Orochimaru knows how he did it. However, Kakashi has some theories, but he's in a coma right now so that really doesn't help us any. What we do know is that I am from an alternate dimension, and in that dimension the events of this world have been made into a show of sorts. I watched the show and pretty much memorized what happened. Then Orochimaru showed up, murdered my parents, and sent me to this world to act as a sort of sage or vision into the future for him. The only problem is that I can't remember things that haven't happened yet or things that would change the future if I knew them. Orochimaru undoubtedly has some sort of plan on how to extract my memories, but I don't think that I would particularly enjoy it." I locked eyes with Tsunade; we both knew that I shouldn't be telling her this, but I thought that she needed to know. "You're not the only person who has lost the things that they love. My entire existence was ripped from me by Orochimaru, and I'll die before I let you do anything to help him." With that, I stood up on my shaking legs. "Thanks for healing me, by the way. Now I shouldn't have the migraine that usually follows a vision." As I left, I could hear Tsunade talking to Jiraiya.

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