Chapter 7: I Am so Sorry

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This one was also pretty hard to write. I just really hate to think about my own parents dying, but it is a huge plot point so I had better get used to it. This is all in Ana's POV. I hope that you enjoy and remember that I don't own anything but my OC. The picture is from Google.


     The walk to Kakashi's apartment was quiet and awkward. He read is book, and I gaped at the village. It was so beautiful! I looked like a small child in a candy shop, but I couldn't help it. The Leaf was so different from the mountain town that I had grown up in. As I walked through it, I kept thinking about my mom and her love of architecture. She would have really enjoyed this town. 'My mom...' I still felt depressed, empty, and mad as hell at Orochimaru, but I have a very short attention span and it isn't in my nature to dwell too long on anything too depressing. I hated myself for being so happy so soon after my parents death, but I couldn't help but gape in awe at the carved cliff and the large size of the Hokage's residence and office.

     As Kakashi unlocked the door to his apartment he paused, "I just want to let you know that my house is quite small, I never needed room for more than one person before. The apartment next to me is empty so after you have been deemed as not a threat, you can move there." I nodded in understanding, and Kakashi swung open his door to a very neat, but small, apartment with a kitchen on one wall and a bed on the other. On the window sill above his bed there as small plant labeled "Mr. Ukki," and his green bedspread had an adorable shuriken pattern on it.

     "It's nice," I said, "but where am I going to sleep?"

     "The Hokage is having Izumo and Kotetsu bring over a futon for you tonight. Also, he has decided that it is best the you act like you do not know who all of the people here are. Only those with the rank of jounin or higher have been informed of your circumstances, and we are hoping that it might lead Orochimaru to believe that you lost all of your memories about this world causing him to lose interest in obtaining you."

     "That makes sense. So, since Izumo and Kotetsu are chunin, I should act like I have no idea who they are?"

     Kakashi nodded, "I am glad that you understood why I said that."

     "I just have one question. If Orochimaru brought me here, then why am I in the Hidden Leaf Village and not in some dank laboratory?'

     "We believe that he has very little control over where the two of you would appear when you returned to this world so he could not collect you immediately. But, we think that he tried to get you as close to this village as possible because he knew that we you heal you and not let you die." Kakashi's explanation made a lot of sense so I nodded and plopped down in the single chair sitting in the corner across from his bed. There was a knock on the door and Kakashi opened it to the panting faces of Izumo and Kotetsu.

     "Kaka-shi," Kotetsu complained, "why on earth do you have to live on the top floor?! Do you have any idea how hard it was to maneuver this up all of those steps to get here?" Kakashi just shrugged and grabbed the futon from them like it weighed nothing.

     "Well, thanks for bringing this by; I am going to go and set it up now." He went to close the door, but Izumo stopped him.

     "So, Kakashi, why do you need another bed? You live alone." I decided that this was the right time to poke my head out around the futon bearing Kakashi and wave. The two chunin blanched.

     "K-K-Kakashi, you're living with a woman!!" Kotetsu shouted.

     With a sigh that was almost impossibly heavy, Kakashi explained the situation to the dumbstruck friends, "No, Ana was summoned here from a different world and due to some uncertainty about her past, I have been assigned to guard her for the time being." This seemed to only confuse them further so I decided to step forward.

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