Chapter 74: Super Gramps

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The second update of the day, woohoo! Enjoy. 

---------------Naruto's POV---------------

     When I opened up my eyes, I found out that Super Gramps was right. Even though Kurama (the Nine-tails) had been extracted from me, I wasn't dead. In fact, I was in some strange world made of floating blocks and hovering over me was Obito and Sakura. Ever since Madara became the Ten-tails' jinchuriki, Obito has been making a point of trying to atone for all of the wrong that he has done. I knew that he had been the one to save my life by giving me the of half of Kurama's power that the Black Zetsu attached to him had stolen.

      I looked down at the palm of my right hand at the small, white circle there. This was the power that Super Gramps, the Sage of Six Paths, had given me. I just knew that I could make a real change in the world with this newfound strength.

     It was time to take the new power that Super Gramps had given me and put it use.

     Obito used his sharingan to warp me back to the real world, and I appeared near the edge of the battle. I began to run to where I where could sense Madara's chakra with my new Six Paths Sage Mode.

     I stopped running for a second as I felt Ana's chakra from nearby, but I couldn't see her at all. Walking over to where I could feel her chakra coming from, I rolled over a large boulder that had been dropped there at some point during the large battle. Underneath the large rock, there was a small hole-like thing that was a few feet deep, and in that hole was Ana. I could feel her chakra, and she definitely was alive so I was curious as to why she looked like she was dead. I pulled her out of the hole and placed a hand on her forehead gently as she hung limply in my arms.

     Now I knew what had happened. I could feel that the barriers in her mind had broken, destroying it. I look down at the white circle on my palm and somehow understood that I could use it to help her.

     Taking a deep breath, I placed the circle on the middle of her forehead, right over her seal thingy. 'Alright, I need to focus on this if I'm going to save Ana, you know.' I felt the shreds of her mind and channeling chakra to my hand, imagined them mending themselves and healing to what they once were.

     When I removed my hand, there was circle there on her forehead and strange squiggly lines coming out from it. After a couple of seconds, Ana gasped as her eyes flew open.

     "N-Naruto?" She looked very disoriented, but otherwise she seemed like she would be fine.

     "You really scared me there, you know. If it wasn't for your chakra signature, I would have thought that you were dead."

     She gripped my arm with a weak hand, "Tell me, what just happened? What's going on right now?" I was taken aback by how frantic she sounded.

     I scratched my chin, "Well, I had Kurama extracted from me and almost died, and then I met Super Gramps in my mind or something like that. Turns out that I'm the reincarnation of his younger son, Ashura, and Sasuke's the reincarnation of his older son, Indra. Pretty cool, huh? And then Super Gramps gave me and Sasuke some of his power, and I woke up. When I did, I was with Sakura and Obito in this alternate dimension thingy. Then Obito sent me back, and now here I am. I'm heading over to fight Madara right now."

     Ana's grip on my arm fell limp as her hand dropped back down to her side. "So that's where we're at right now. Thanks, Naruto, I had gotten a little confused about what I had actually lived and what was only a memory. You should hurry back to the battle now. And when you get there, keep an eye out for Guy. He opened all eight of his inner gates to fight Madara, and you can save him the same way that you just saved me. Kakashi's eye as well; you can replace it. You have to hurry and-" She was cut off by a huge coughing fit.

     I sat her up as her entire body shook with each cough.

     "Ana, are you alright? How are you feeling?"

     She gave me a sly smile before going back to coughing, "In truth," cough, cough, "I feel like," cough, "absolute shit."

     She looked like it. Her eyes were glazed over with pain, and her entire body was shaking and weak. Ana was always so strong, even when her visions were giving her lots of trouble, so it was really weird to see her like this. It was weird to see her struggling.

     Ana took a deep breath, "Naruto, you've already wasted too much time here with me. You need to," cough, "go and save Guy."

     "I'll head right over to them, but I can't leave you here in this state, you know."

     "No!" She double over while sounding like she was hacking up a lung during the outburst. "Leave me. I'll be," cough, "fine."

     I shook my head at how stubborn she was being.

     "Shadow Clone Jutsu."

     A second me appeared and knelt down next to Ana.

     "I'll get Ana to the Medical Corps."

     I nodded at my double, "I'm counting on you."

     "I know," and the other me scooped up Ana before running off, away from the Ten-tails and Madara.

     I turned back around and starting running in the opposite direction of my clone. I would start by finding Bushier Brow-sensei like Ana had said, and then I'd use my new power to help save the ninja world by taking down Madara first.


Yes, I know that I have skipped a ton of the Fourth Great Ninja War, but that's intentional. More than me being too lazy to type out the whole, giant, like one hundred episode long war, I don't want to ruin the series for people watching. The English hasn't even gotten here yet, and the Japanese isn't too far past this (at the time that I wrote this, of course). As I've said before, this is Ana's story so I'm just going to be sticking to what happens to her while trying really hard not to spoil the entire series. I hope that you guys aren't too upset by how I'm dealing with the war, and I'll see you at the next update on Thursday ^_^

Edited 5/3/2016

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