Chapter 28: A New Jutsu

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So I typed this in the car on my way home from skiing with my family today. I didn't have the internet so I couldn't reference any scenes from the show, but I really wanted to get another chapter done. So here is a quick little chapter that I was able to write sans intermerwebs. Enjoy!


     The next week of the journey was uneventful. Naruto had mastered the second step to learning the rasengan: exploding the rubber ball with his chakra, and now he was struggling with the third step. No matter what he did, he couldn't stop himself from bursting the balloon that he was holding. I had been playing around with chakra form some, but literally everything just kept blowing up in my face. It was the definition of upsetting. As we walked closer to where Jiraiya thought that Tsunade was, I was thinking about how I could utilize my stupid chakra. 'What if I can use this to blow stuff up? That sounds like fun... But I just have to get the chakra away from me before it decides to blow up in my face, again.'

     "Jiraiya, is it possible to throw chakra?"

     "Yes, but it is very difficult. Why? Oh, I get it! You want to get your chakra away from you and have it blow other things up, brilliant." Jiraiya was smiling down at me stupidly like I was some kind of genius for figuring that out. Really, I was mad at myself for taking that long to think of it.

     "Can you throw chakra?"

     "Uhh... No, I was never able to..." This was clearly something that embarrassed him.

     "Do you have any tips?"

     "Well, supposedly, it helps to form your chakra into a ball or something that's easier to throw."

     "Could I make it take on the shape of something like a kunai or shuriken?"

     "That would take almost an impossible amount of chakra control, but you did manage the change in form for the rasengan in your first try..."

     I was smiling, I had a great idea for a new jutsu, and it was inspired by exploding tags on kunai. 'Thanks, Itachi, I never would have thought of this without your advice.'

     We stopped a little later while Jiraiya checked the town we were passing just to make sure that Tsunade wasn't there. It would really suck if we accidentally passed her by. Naruto ran off to train his rasengan, and I found a good place to practice my idea. Focusing my chakra into my right hand, I tried to make it as solid as possible. Then I tried to make it into a kunai shape. I had to hurry because after about three seconds my chakra would inevitably blow up on me. I had just managed to make something vaguely kunai like when it blew up. Picking myself up off the ground, I tried again.

     I was standing at the bottom of a large crater by the time that I could easily form both a kunai and a shuriken from my chakra with plenty of time to spare before they blew up. Satisfied with their form, I decided to try and throw one. Closing my eyes, I made my kunai (I had practiced it so much at this point that I really didn't even need to think about it, muscle memory apparently worked for chakra control as well) and then I grabbed it with my hand. Looking at a tree about thirty yards away, I chucked it at it trunk. The kunai blew straight through the tree and then blew up with a huge boom about twenty feet past it, shattering a large rock. The destructive power of my jutsu left me standing there with my mouth hanging open like a fish and eyes full of joy. I did that. I just did all of that damage and it didn't even take that much chakra. Holy shit. It went through a thick tree without even slowing down and then it blew up a boulder. I was staring down at my hands in disbelief when I heard slow clapping. I turned around to see Itachi leaning languidly against a tree.

     "What are you doing here?"

     "I have to admit that what I had seen of your chakra had made me quite curious. Good job, by the way, on creating your own change in chakra form jutsu." I blushed a little at the compliment, the Uchiha was hard to impress.

     "Thanks, I couldn't have done it without your advice. So did you really come all the way out here just to spy on my training?"


     "I figured that there was more to it than that..."

     "Orochimaru. He is nearby, I can sense his chakra even though he is suppressing it. I know that he is after you and you should return to the Leaf Village now before he gets his hands on you. Jiraiya is strong, but he won't be able to protect you from Orochimaru."

     "You came all the way out here just because you're worried about me?" Was this really the scary Akatsuki member that was feared by and known by almost every ninja worth his salt.

     "No, it would damage the Akatsuki if Orochimaru where to get his hands on you. You are less of a threat in the Leaf Village because they would never do anything to harm you, but Orochimaru does not care about your well being. He would turn you into a tool that no village or organization could stand up against. That is something that I can't let happen."

     "I promised Naruto and Jiraiya that I would help them find Tsunade, and it will be much more difficult for them without my sensory abilities. I am not going back on my word just because I might run into Orochimaru. Sorry, but no dice."

     "That is a foolish decision."

     "Well thanks to you, both Sasuke and Kakashi are in need of Tsunade's healing abilities, and I am going to find her, damn it. There's nothing that you can do about it."

     "It was a battle, I did what I needed to."

     "No, it was cruel and unnecessary. You put both of them into a coma!"

     "I could have killed them both, but I didn't."

     "Oh, yeah, so comas are just no big deal? So what you didn't kill them, do you think that makes up for everything that you've done?"

     "You may think that you know a lot about this world, but you know nothing about what I've done." And with that Itachi poofed away. I really wanted to remember his past. There had to be more to it... But I just couldn't remember a thing. Making a chakra shuriken, I chucked it into a giant rock about fifty yards away. I put much more chakra into it than I intended, and the resulting crater was super large. I had learned the jutsu, but it was far from mastered. My aim was okay because I had already mastered throwing kunai and shuriken, but I had almost no control over the explosion part. However, it was already deadly.

     'How am I so good at chakra control with the short amount of time that I have been able to practice molding chakra?'  


Introducing Pissy Itachi! Next update is going to be much better and stuff. Stay tuned! It will have scenes from the anime so it will be a pain to write but totally worth it. See you at the next update :)

Edited 4/14/2016

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