Chapter 15: Your Past

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I was extra motivated to post this quickly because of the mean cliff hanger at the end of the last chapter. Enjoy.

---------------Kakashi's POV---------------

     Ana was healing Munona's back when her eyes grew wide and she shouted, "Release." I quickly followed her action dispelling the genjutsu. 'What! He's not injured. That was a genjutsu, and a very skillfully done one as well. Even I didn't sense it.' I ran towards them as I saw Ana try to back away from the fake patient. Munona was too fast for her chakra depleted state and grabbed her around the waist while throwing her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She didn't even have the strength to fight back after having given her all to healing the wounded guards. He threw down some smoke bombs laced with a sedative and said loud enough for me to hear, "Lord Orochimaru will be pleased to know that I caught you. You are our window to the future, did you really think that we would let the Leaf keep you forever?" Hansuke looked over at me with wide eyes.

     We were both doubled over coughing out the smoke; he had gotten away. "What the hell does he mean? What does Ana have that Orochimaru wants, and how is she his window to the future?"

     "Ana is not... from this world. And because of this Orochimaru can use her to see the future events of this world. It would take too long to explain all of the details, but right now we need to get to her before Munona reaches Orochimaru." Hansuke was obviously having a hard time letting what I just said sink in.

     "You are the great Copy Ninja, I will follow your lead in this situation." I felt a little bit of pride at his words, but quickly forced it down. The only important thing was saving Ana before it was too late.

     "Thank you, and I already have a plan. The rogues that were after Lord Asari have been dealt with. I spoke to their leader a little bit ago, and they won't be bothering him again. So therefore all the protection that Asari will need can be achieved by his personal guard. However, I will summon my ninken and leave half of them with the convoy so that they can warn me if anything does go wrong. Hansuke, the two of us will take the other half of my ninken and recover Ana." He nodded in agreement and using the blood from a small wound that I had received, I summoned my pack. They didn't even bother to say hello. They could smell the blood in the air and could see just how tense I was.

     "What do you need, boss? I thought that today I got a break from the man wearing lady perfume."

     "No time for that, Pakkun. You, Bull, Shiba, and Bisuke will accompany Hansuke and I. I need you to find Ana's scent and quickly; she's been taken by agents of Orochimaru." That got their attention, and they were all staring up at me intensely. "Urushi, Akino, Uhei, and Guruko, you will accompany and protect Asari on his way to the Leaf Village. If we don't return by tomorrow night, Uhei, I want you to run ahead and alert the Hokage of our situation." I turned to Hansuke to leave, but Asari stopped me.

     "Are you abandoning your mission to protect me? Leave her. My safety is more important to the state of this country." He had no idea how incorrect that was. In the wrong hands, Ana could bring down the Leaf Village and the Land of Fire.

     "I never leave comrades behind, that is my ninja way." Hansuke and I ran after Pakkun and Obito's voice rang through my head, "Worse than scum..."

     'I promise you, Obito, I will not be worse than scum.' And I channeled even more chakra into feet.

     Hansuke was having a hard time keeping up, but at my pace only Guy could have held out. "I can't slow down, but Shiba will stay with you to make sure that you stay on Ana's trail." Hansuke nodded, but he didn't even try to speak as he was running at his top speed.


     "Yes, Pakkun?"

     "We are gaining on them and will be on top of them in just a couple minutes so get ready. Munona can't match our pace with Ana's added weight." I nodded, focusing my own chakra to my nose. I could smell them just ahead, but knowing that Hansuke was with me, I decided on a more tactical approach. Veering off to the left of their scent, I ran until I was in front of them. Turning around, I doubled back right into Munona's path. As I arrived in front of him, Hansuke closed in on him from behind. My ninken spread out effectively closing all routes of escape.

     "You're cornered, Munona. Surrender now or I will kill you." That's when he did something I would never expect. He pulled out a kunai, and I tensed expecting him to use Ana as a hostage, but instead he just laughed and lowered the kunai towards his own heart.

     "I know when I am beaten, Copy Ninja, but you won't be getting any information about Lord Orochimaru out of me so don't even try." And with that, he stabbed himself with his own kunai. Ana fell from his now limp grasp and started to fall from the tree branches to the hard ground below, and I jumped after her without a second thought. I caught her in my arms used my chakra to secure my feet to a nearby tree, stopping our fall.

     "K-Kakashi... Thanks for saving me. I-I thought that this was going to be the end and that Orochimaru would have me for sure." I just laughed quietly.

     "I thought that you knew me better than that or has your stalking let you down?" I teased, "Because I never abandon my comrades." She slowly looked up at me and met my exposed sharingan with her blue eyes. I felt a shudder run through her entire body and she passed out cold. 'Must be the fatigue.' Shifting her weight gently, I placed her on my back and held her up by placing her knees in the crooks of my elbows. Hansuke came over.

     "Well, that was interesting. Are your missions usually this dramatic?" I just laughed, he had no idea. "So, uh, what happened to Ana?"

     "She passed out, probably from fatigue. Let's go and regroup with Asari."

     As I ran back to the main group, I placed each foot down carefully to avoid jolting Ana too much. It didn't take long for us to reach the encampment. It was becoming dusk and they had clearly just started setting up camp. Asari turned to look at us as we walked into camp with his eyes widening at the sight of Ana passed out on my back. One of the guards ran over to me.

     "We will take the watch tonight, the three of you need your rest." I nodded with a closed eye smile and walked over to the edge of camp and placed Ana on a sleeping pad. She was breathing quickly, sweating, and when I felt her forehead she had a fever as well. I ran back to the main camp grabbing a cloth, some blankets and a canteen of water from the protesting lord and brought them back to Ana. I wrapped her up tightly in the extra blankets and wet the cloth placing it on her forehead. Hansuke came by carrying a small medical kit.

     "I think that there might be something for fevers in here. Do you know what's wrong with her?"

     I shook my head. "Probably just severe chakra drain, but I'm no doctor. The most that I can do is field dressing." At that moment Ana let out a blood-curdling scream and began tossing like crazy. I tried holding her down to keep her from hurting self. Hansuke was watching petrified in fear, and several guards ran over to see what was wrong. She slowly calmed down, but when she opened her eyes, they were filled with tears.

     "Kakashi, I saw... I remembered... I'm so sorry, so sorry. I wish that I had never seen your sharingan, that's what brought it all back. I am so sorry, I am sure that you would never want me to see any of that. I am so sorry, please don't be mad at me."

     "Ana," I said as calmly as I could manage, "slow down, you're not making any sense. What did you see?"

     As she quietly whispered several words, my heart froze. 

     "Your past, Kakashi. I saw your past."  


I hate to say this, but there might be a little break in the updates, I want to go back and improve some of my earlier chapters because I feel like they could be much better. I will be be rewriting the old and writing the new so both are going to happen a little bit slower. Sorry.

Edited 4/13/2016  

A Hole in One's Heart [Kakashi Hatake]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora