Author's Note

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Hello! I just wanted to start by thanking the people who have read this story. I honestly thought that no one would bother (I am pretty insecure about my writing abilities, I love to write, but I really suck at it...) so I am ecstatic that people have actually read it!! So, to the main point of this note: I have hit a bit a of writers block... Unfortunate, I know. The last few chapters kind of sucked in my opinion, sorry. But, I am going to take a tiny bit of time and sort out the rest of the plot for my story before I post any more (I already know what's going to happen, but I want to have a better idea of all the events so that I can improve my pacing). Chapter 11 is half-written right now so I will try and get it up soon. You can expect more character development on Ana (she is a very complicated person and I have a lot of ideas of where I want to go with her character development, the hard part will just be executing those ideas) and more Kakashi POV. I really like writing in his POV even though Ana is technically the main character. I might also try some other POV's like Naruto's, Sasuke's, Sakura's, or some of the other main characters' of the story. 

Here's to promising a much better Chapter 11 and better pacing in the updates to come!!! (And some more scenes directly from the show, I have been too lazy to copy the dialogue so far, but there are some scenes that I am definitely going to include in the future ^_^ .)

P.S. If you see any grammatical errors, please feel free to let me know. I really dislike improper grammar, but I am only human so I do make some mistakes despite my prof reading. Also feel free to let me know if any of the Naruto characters seem a little OOC to you. I want them to be as in character as possible.

Thanks again! You guys are the bees' knees!!!

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