Chapter 6: An Official Citizen of the Leaf

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Here is the next part of the series. Back to Ana's POV (unless otherwise specified, it will always be her POV, she is the main character). 


     I woke up to the sound of chirping birds. The light was blinding my face. 'That's weird, I always sleep with my curtains closed. I never open them up. Maybe Dad came through with some early morning cleaning and opened them.' I opened up my eyes to a strange sight that was definitely not my bedroom. A bare hospital room, an IV in my arm, and a really attractive ninja lightly snoring in a chair next to me. Then I remembered the death of my parents and being dragged into the world of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. The beeping on the heart monitor began to pick up. I was hyper ventilating. Kakashi woke up with a jolt because of the change in the heart monitor's tempo. He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and curved his right eye into slight smile, and I calmed down a little.

     "Sorry, it just took me a little bit to get my bearings... I had forgotten about yesterday." He nodded. That's when I realized that his hand was still on my shoulder. Despite my hate of physical contact, I did not mind this at all. Well, I had fallen in love with the anime version of Kakashi so seeing him in the flesh was almost more than I could handle.

     The door opened with a slightly startling noise and three people burst into my hospital room. They were the Hokage was puffing on his pipe (it must be nice to be Hokage, apparently they can smoke in a hospital), a man with strange bangs and a long blonde ponytail going down his back, and an angry looking individual with two long scars running downing his face and bandanna on his bald head. Both newcomers were wearing black trench coats and looked super serious. It felt like I was being approached by the FBI or the CIA. However, I knew who these men were, the blonde was Inoichi Yamanaka and the angry one was Ibiki Morino.

     "So you just believe this woman when she says that she comes from an alternate dimension? And she just randomly showed up with information that could jeopardize the village and then you just put her in a hospital with a single guard!" Ibiki was ranting. Apparently he did not agree with how the Hokage had treated me. I, on the other hand, was glad that Ibiki had no say in my treatment because I had remembered that he specialized in torture, and being tortured was not high on my bucket list.

     "Hello, Ana, I hope that you slept well." The Hokage seemed genuinely concerned for my well being.

     "Um, as well as I could." The Hokage nodded understanding.

     "You healed amazingly quickly. The only permanent injury that your body sustained was slight damage to your chakra network, but that should not be a problem unless that jutsu is ever performed on you again." I nodded in understanding. "Kakashi, I want you and Inoichi to accompany Ana to the intel division. Ibiki, you have other duties to get back to after you're done questioning my decisions." Wow, Ibiki actually looked slightly bashful after the Hokage's rebuke.

     "Um, what should I wear? I am not parading around the village in a hospital robe and I am not going in what I wore here. Those are my clubbing clothes, that's the only time that I wear them. Trust me, I don't usually show off that much skin." I was kind of embarrassed saying this to a room full of men, but there was no way that I was going out in public in either outfit.

     The Hokage nodded, "Inoichi, you have women in your house; go there quickly and grab Ana some clothes. Then the three of you can head off."

     "Yes, Lord Hokage." Inoichi poofed out of the room, Ibiki grumbled out the door, and the Hokage walked away slowly leaving Kakashi and I alone, again. 'Ana, calm down. You have just met him yesterday, even if you feel like you have known him for years, which in a way you have, he just met you for the first time yesterday. To Kakashi you are some random weirdo who had entertained themselves by watching the events of his life unfold. You know, it was decidedly less creepy when I thought that he wasn't actually real...' Feeling the need to break the uncomfortable silence that had settled over the room, I decided to embark on an even more uncomfortable topic of conversation. Don't worry, I'm excellent at social situations.

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