Chapter 29: The Legendary Sucker

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So you may have noticed, but I have a bad habit of just leaving out random words when I'm writing so I've been going through the previous chapters and trying to catch all of my mistakes. I think that I have caught most of them, but please let me know it ever looks like there is a word missing because there probably is a word missing there and it would make much more sense when fixed.

This chapter took quite a while to write, I hope that you enjoy :)


     We were staring at a demolished castle... I knew that Tsunade must have been here, but who was she fighting? My stupid gift was able to clue me in on everything except what I wanted to know. Talk about useless.

     "So what happened?" Naruto was staring at the destruction in front of him. "It's like a typhoon hit it."

     "Yeah," Jiraiya agreed, and screaming people started running past us. He called out to one of the screaming bystanders, "Hey, you there! What's going on? Tell me, what are you running from?"

     "If you're smart, you'll run too. There's a monster up there!" The man looked like he wanted to continue running away and not be interrogated by a random perv.

     "A monster?" Naruto just looked confused, that did not come as a surprise.

     "Please, just calm down. What kind of monster? What do you mean?"

     "A SNAKE! A HUGE SNAKE!" I blanched, 'Orochimaru. Itachi was right; he is near here.' "It crushed the castle without even trying!! Well I'm outta here!"

     "Wait, how big a snake? Our village was attacked by one too. Wait! Don't go..." Naruto clenched his fists in anger at being ignored by the random civilian. "I know something about big snakes!"

     "Naruto, Ana, come on! This could be the same snake. I want a closer look at this monster." Jiraiya turned in the direction that everyone was running from, and we ran off to find the source of the commotion. I felt the familiar grip of fear knowing that Orochimaru could be ahead.

     I felt a large and unfamiliar chakra ahead leaving, but Jiraiya was the first one to spot the damage caused by Tsunade. With a gasp, he jumped off the roof we were running on and rushed over to it.

     "Looks like we're too late."

     "Did the snake do this too?"

     "Let's go, Naruto, we're not going to find Tsunade here."

     "Jiraiya, she has gone back to hiding her chakra signature, and with my sensory abilities I can no longer locate her." I informed the Sannin sadly.

     Naruto looked positively peeved, "Not again, I was hoping he'd forgotten about her." 'Oh yeah, Naruto doesn't know why we are after Tsunade... He just really wants to go and find a giant snake to fight. Well at least we know that he wasn't abducted by aliens or anything like that; Naruto is still Naruto.'

     That night, Jiraiya took us to a bar.

     "I'm too young to go somewhere like this..."

     "Don't worry kid, no one will bother you while you're with me, and besides this the most likely place that we will find Tsunade."

     "I am starting to sense her chakra inside. I think that she's drunk. That would explain why she is not being careful about her chakra signature any more." I was focusing on the chakra inside so I missed most of Jiraiya and Naruto's conversation after that.

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