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Quick note: Even if you don't usually read the A/N's, you might want to read this. You may be noticing that some scenes aren't following the anime despite the whole thing where "Ana has already seen this so that's what's going to happen in the future" thing. There are two theories right now as to why some things are different. Theory #1: The show itself was not entirely accurate since it lacked Ana's inclusion or because some things just got changed when it was made into a TV show. Theory #2: There are three parallel universes: the one that Ana's from, the one that Ana watched for the show, and the one that Ana got sent to. I, obviously, know which theory is correct, but you guys are just going to have to wait to find out when the characters do (I know, I'm too cruel, que maniacal laughter: MWUHAHAHAHAHA). I just wanted to clarify that the events around Ana aren't exact copies of the anime for a reason before anyone gets too confused. The time-space jutsu that Orochimaru used isn't perfect. Just wait, I'll explain everything in time (and I hope that it will all make as much sense as it does in my head...).

That picture of Guy kills me... His face... (From the Great and Mighty Keeper of All Images, Google)

Unfortunately, the story is going to take a little break from Kakashi; being comatose can do that to you... But I am going to make the Search for Tsunade arc pretty quick so that he can wake up soon. Without further ado, here's chapter 25! Enjoy :)


      After leaving Kakashi in the hospital's care, I ran into Guy.

     "Hey, Guy, where are you running off to in such a hurry?"

     "Sasuke," He said while stopping to face me. "Sasuke found out that Kakashi fought Itachi and that Itachi is after Naruto, and then he went after them in a hurry. I am rushing after them to try and catch up before anything unfortunate happens to occur."

     "Can I come with you?"

     "I would love the back up, but I'm not sure that even with your astounding power of youth that you will be able to match my pace..."

     "Guy, never underestimate my running abilities. I'll be fine, you just lead the way." With that, he nodded and shot off into the woods surrounding the Leaf Village. I channeled some chakra into my feet and legs and kept up with him. After running for about an hour, Guy turned back to look at me.

     "I must say, I am quite impressed with your stamina. For someone who has only been a shinobi for several months, you really are full of youth."

     "You act like I did nothing athletic before I became a ninja. I would run about thirty to forty miles a week without the aid of chakra in my old world."

     "Well then, if that's the case I am going to increase the pace. We will channel all of our youth into catching up with Sasuke before something bad happens." I sighed internally, 'Has he ever gone a whole conversation without saying "youth" at least once in his life?' And with that, we sped off through the trees, moving so quickly that only a blur was distinguishable.

     As we approached their location, I used my chakra sensing abilities to scout ahead. I could feel Kisame and Itachi retreating and Naruto, Sasuke, and Jiraiya in the inn. Sasuke's chakra was very weak so I almost didn't sense him. Guy turned to face me.

     "Have you sensed their location?"

     "Yes, in that lodge just through the hole in the wall-" I was about to tell him that the Akatsuki members were on the retreat, but before I could he had shot away with almost impossible speed.

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