Chapter 38: Episodes and Visions

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So here is a new POV! I really like writing in new POV's, it's a lot of fun to look at my story from different angles, and besides only writing in one POV gets a little boring for me after a while. This the first Sakura POV, enjoy!

-------------------Sakura's POV-------------------

     Ana and I started to leave the Hokage's office. I was kind of sad that Ana wouldn't be able to do anything to help save Sasuke, but I was super worried for her if she ever was captured by Orochimaru... I didn't want to think about. Right before we left the room, Ana went rigid beneath me. Reaching behind herself slowly, she pulled me off her back and stood unsteadily. I could only watch in fear as Tsunade rushed over to her side.

     "Oh no," she said while catching Ana as she passed out. "When she remembers a little at a time, her brain can adapt to the strain. But when she remembers a lot, it isn't pretty..." She felt Ana's forehead. The person who I had started to see as my sister was breathing heavily and sweating. It was clear how much pain she was in, and there was nothing that I could do to help her. "Crap, the fever's already started. Kakashi warned me about this... Sakura, go into the medical supply unit, two doors down to the left, you can't miss it. Grab some cloths and water."

     I sprinted out of the room and grabbed the necessary items. I ran back and handed them to the medical ninja. She had removed Ana's flak jacket and placed it under her head like a pillow. "Sakura, wet one of the towels and ring it out, we need to lower her fever. I can't believe that Kakashi took care of Ana by himself when she was like this last time..." The Hokage was talking to herself as I got the towel ready, I handed it to her and she placed it on Ana's forehead. "Get ready, according to Kakashi, during large episodes she can have a seizure. I'll need you hold her down while I heal the damage." I nodded, fear was tight in my chest, but this was thrilling because there was something that I loved about taking care of people.

     Ana began to twitch. "Sakura, come around here and hold down her shoulders. I want to be ready just in case." I did as was told, and a second later Ana let out a soul wrenching scream. It was hard to see the pain that she was struggling against. Izumo and Kotetsu rushed in having heard the scream.

     "Lady Tsunade, what's going on?" Kotetsu asked.

     She didn't bother to answer, "You two are just on time. Sakura is going to need help holding her down. Izumo, hold down her legs; Kotetsu, you get her arms." They both did as they were told. That's when Ana's entire body convulsed so violently that her shoulders were almost ripped from my hands. Her entire body was quaking, and she was screaming. Green chakra was flowing from the Hokage's hands into Ana's head trying to soothe the pain. After about three minutes of screaming and convulsing, a three minutes that felt like three hours, Ana's body stilled and her breathing began to slow. I fell back shaking with exhaustion. Izumo and Kotetsu seemed to be equally tired. The seizures had been so severe that the three of us together could barely keep her from injuring herself. Ana was very strong. Lady Tsunade kept healing her. "Damn, to think that the last time this happened Kakashi handled this all by himself..."

     "How many times has this happened to Ana, Lady Tsunade?" I was very worried since there was only so much of this strain that a single person could take.

     "This is the second time that she's had an episode of this scale, but she's had many smaller ones and several others that have caused her to lose consciousness. In fact, the night that I met her, she had a small vision and passed out."

     "Isn't there anything that you can do to help her?"

     "We could completely seal off the parts of her mind that are doing this to her, but seals like that have been known to break before, and if that happened the strain would destroy her brain. Right now we can only hope that Ana has the strength to make it through this..." I could see that the Hokage was angry that she wasn't able to do more.

     "What on earth is going on?" It was Izumo who had piped up the courage to ask. Lady Tsunade explained Ana's situation to them, stating that it was confidential and that they should not tell anyone about what happened tonight.

     Ana began to stir. "How long was I out?"

     "Only about an hour."

     "Good, the healing must have helped me wake up sooner."

     "Ana, what did you see?"

     "The genin, they're all alive..." I gasped with joy. "But, Neji and Choji are in critical condition, and Naruto lost to Sasuke. Kakashi found him and is returning with him now. You should stop using your energy on me because you'll need it when they return." Ana looked over at me with half closed eyes. "I'm sorry if I scared you..." I held her hand and she fell back asleep.

     "Sakura, she should just sleep now; the vision is over. Stay here with her for now, and I'll get someone to take her home soon. I need to go get ready for the recovery team to return."

     I was left alone with Ana. I made a fresh towel and placed it on her forehead and went back to the storage room. There I found a blanket and brought it back to Ana, wrapping her in it. I sat there holding her hand for a while before Kakashi-sensei burst into the room.

     "I heard from Lady Tsunade... How's she doing?" He knelt down beside her frantically. The two of them were definitely in love; I just wish that they would stop denying it already.

     "She's doing fine now. She still has a slight fever, but other than that Lady Tsunade said that she should be okay. Is it true that you took care of her all by yourself during the last one of these episodes?"

     He nodded, "But from what Lady Tsunade said, this one was much worse..." He scooped up Ana in his arms, one arm under her knees and the other supporting her shoulders. "Can you grab her things? I'm going to carry her home now."

     "Shouldn't she go to a hospital?"

     "No, she doesn't need to; there's nothing the hospital could do. Besides, I'll stay with her tonight just in case." I picked up Ana's chunin vest and followed after my sensei. We walked through the village to an apartment complex, and he turned sideways to fit through the door with Ana in his arms. We went all the way to the top floor, and he looked at me. "Do you see her house keys in her vest?" I searched.

     "Sorry... But they're not in here."

     "Never mind, we'll just go to my apartment instead." I expected him to turn around and leave the building, but he just went one door over the left and opened it up. 'They're neighbors! This is just too perfect!' Kakashi-sensei laid Ana down on his bed and tucked her in, replacing the cloth on her forehead. He grabbed the vest from me.

     "I can walk you home if you like, it's gotten quite late."

     I shook my head, "I'll be fine. You should stay here with Ana." I walked out. As I turned to shut the door behind me, I saw Sensei sitting on the edge of his bed, lovingly brushing the hair out of her face. I sighed, 'If only Sasuke would look at me like that. But he doesn't love me back...' I walked home and fell into bed fully clothed. It was a long day.


The triumphant return of Kawaiikashi! So this chapter was surprisingly fun to write, I might do more Sakura POV in the future sort of like what I do with Kakashi... No promises, though. I just write each chapter in the POV that can do the best job of showing what's going on. Well, I'll see you at the next update!

Edited 4/16/2016 

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