Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


"Come out, come out where ever you are!" Victor's voice rang out from somewhere outside the house. 

"We gotta go. Now" Guraund gritted out between his clenched jaw.

"We can't go anywhere until I get some clothes on." I replied and grasped the sheet closer to my body. 

"Problem solved. Now let's go." Bal said. I gave him a confused look. He nodded towards my body and I looked down. I was fully clothed. Just another wonderful surprise.

"Okay then, let's go." 

Simple words. That should of not have been said.

The floor and walls vibrated violently and suddenly, they were gone. At least most of it was. 

"What the hell just--"  

"Ahh, there you are." We all slowly turned around to find Victor and an army of men behind him. The men looking more like ogres than humans. 

"Fight or Flight?" Bal asked. 

" Ah, what the hell. Let's fight, show them we mean business." Gauraund said he clapped Lorcan on the shoulder. "What do you say. Panther? Ready to sharpen those claws?"

Lorcan turned to me. I nodded and gave him my most winning smile. "Let's do it."

Bal quickly shifted into his other form and took to the sky. While Guraund just ran head on into the fight. Slicing and stabbing everything around him with two enormous swords that hadn't been in his hands the moment before. I needed to work on some of my skills. 

Instead of joining the fight Lorcan pulled me back from it. 

"I'm so not staying out of this." I replied. Putting on my best "fury face". 

It didn't work, instead it just amused him. "Don't worry lass. I knew you'd never would, and I've come to terms with it." He pushed a stray lock of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear. "You're a lot stronger than most, but you can still get hurt. But do me a favor lass, don't."

I smiled and reached up placing my hand on his cheek, now rough from a few days of no shaving. "I'll try not to. Just for you."

"Good." He looked around us, when satisfied that no one was close enough he looked back to me. "I want ye to take this. You seem to fight well with it."

I looked down to see that he was giving me the sword. "Where were you keeping this?" I asked. It was kinda hard to miss.

"Let's just say that Guraund isn't the only one with the special powers." He winked at me.

"Hmm...I suppose I can just take that answer. For now."  

"Good." He kissed me quickly. "Because we can't stand here all day." He pulled me behind a tree. "Stay close okay? And kill whatever comes at ye, except me, or the others." 

He started forward "Wait!"  I called out. "What about you?" 

He lifted his left hand up, his nails already lengthened. "I got my claws." 

He turned and bounded out from behind the tree. Shifting mid air and landing graceful on all fours as his other form. I smiled and joined in, raising the sword up. 

This wasn't me. I would have never taken up a sword, or any other weapon for the matter, before. Never would have even thought of having to save myself from an army of...whatever. But being here, I felt like, I belonged. Not saying that I really wanted to belong here, but it was kinda nice to feel in control. And in control I was. 

I raised the sword up and swung slicing a man next to me. He fell to the ground. Then everyone noticed me. Lorcan saw this at let out a terrible snarl and lunged at a man next to me shredding him with his claws. I was busy watching him that I almost didn't notice another one coming for me. 

Before he could touch me I kicked out delivering a kick to his stomach. He didn't move. I kicked again with a burst of anger. Before I could land another kick, he grabbed my leg and pulled making me tumble to the ground. I cocked my head looking for Lorcan, he had his hands full. And the others were way to far gone in the fight. I was on my own. 

"Keep her alive! Kill the rest!" I heard Victor's voice yell out over the crowd. 

"Screw this" I muttered. I lashed out with the sword slicing the back of the the man's knee. He bent over yelling as blood poured from the wound. This time when I kicked him, it contacted. He went down a moment after my boot met the side of his face. I didn't waste any time. I slashed out stabbing him quickly. Now for the others.  

Blood poured onto the soft green grass, as all four of us took down one man after another. 

And then everything stopped. Time seemed to stand still, there was no movement. And then we heard it. The sound of wings in the air. And they sounded a lot bigger than Bal's. 

 My breath caught as a dark shadow fell over most of the clearing. But it wasn't the shadow that had scared me, but it's source. 

It's body must have been at least the length of a semi-truck, while it's wings were twice the size of that. The beasts coloring was an eerie black that seemed to shimmer. It's huge mouth opened with a deafening roar that shoved off several rows of extremely sharp teeth. 

"Lor--hmph" I was cut off as Lorcan's large sleek body ran into mine. Somehow he had thrown me onto his back and was now running full force across the clearing, I had to wrap my arms tightly around his furred neck for fear of falling off. As we neared the edge of the clearing Guraund and Bal feel into place behind us. We had almost reached the forest edge when large stone soldiers stepped from the shadows. We all skidded to a halt. 

"Shit, she has a Moarte and Piatra army?" Guraund grumbled. 

Lorcan didn't seem to be listening, he turned around and started to run to the other side. But more of the stone soldiers appeared there too, their large metal swords gleaming in the light as they raised them up.

 We were trapped. 


Long time...I know! Blame school! And I may be writing for NaNoWriMo in November, and if you're familiar with's time consuming. So, more this month, but next...probs not. Sorry! But don't loose faith in me! I'm SO finishing this book! Nearing the end now...kinda. 


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