The Final Battle

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Prepare yourselves....

Author's Note: To my regular readers, please read to the very 'end' of this chapter before you break down in despair :P or go to the next one if you get too nervous while reading XP I know how important Reylo is to you all, and I wouldn't betray that #ReyloForever. This chapter was very hard to write, but it is what it needed to be. Love u all and thanks for reading!


As the Eagle flies
The body of Rey lies
Waiting for the return
Of her soul, from the skies


"I heard Snoke!" Finn says, challenging Rey. "He said if you go to Ahch-To, you'll die."

We're orbiting Ahch-To, about to go down for a landing, but Finn is stalling at the controls.

Rey crosses her arms, the look in her eyes is making me nervous and I'm not even the one arguing with her.

"I heard him too," she says to Finn. "But I'm choosing not to listen."

"Maybe you should listen."

"You're telling me to listen to Snoke?"

"I'm telling you to stay alive!" Finn looks to me for back-up but I'm not getting involved.

"We're stronger together," Mom says.

Suddenly a sick feeling washes over me. Mom and I exchange a glance. She feels it too.

"Snoke's got the sword," I say to Rey and Finn.

"What?" They say at the same time.

"We have to go," Mom says. Finn sighs and starts our descent.

* * *

When we land on the Temple island Finn is the first one out of the spacecraft. I'd be more concerned about myself if I were him, than Rey. She's a thousand times stronger than he is. Yet I can't shake his words from moments ago. It only takes a little doubt to give Snoke the advantage, and somehow Finn always seems to find that bit of doubt and hang onto it.

I take Rey's hand before she heads out of the ship.

"Let's do this together," I say to her. I don't add the rest of what I'm thinking, that if she dies, I will not live without her. She reaches up and gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

"We'll end this today," she says, then we run out into the wind together.

* * *

"He's not down here," Finn says from below in the catacombs.

"Are you sure?" Mom calls over the rushing of the wind.

"I feel him," Rey says to me, a worried expression on her face. Or maybe it's fear in her eyes. Was Finn right? Should she have stayed away? If she can feel Snoke then that means he can feel her too. Will he manipulate her again? She unclips her light saber from her belt and runs off ahead of me.

"Rey! Wait..." I run after her. "Finn," I call over my shoulder, stopping for a second. He's stepping up from the opening in the ground. "Stay here with the General." I ignore the annoyed look he gives me and run after Rey. She's fast, especially on stairs, running up an endless path that leads into the fog above. I take three stairs at a time, trying to catch up to her. The ocean rages below us, the waves reaching so high that they splash the steps, making them slippery.

Rey... wait. Be careful,  I call to her. I can tell she's not just going after Snoke, there's something else driving her forward, a worry for Luke I think. She reaches the top before I do and a flash of light blinds me for a second. Rey cries out.

A Reylo Romance: "Don't be Afraid, I Feel it Too"Where stories live. Discover now