The Calm Before the Storm

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"Poe!" Finn and I say at the same time, coming to a stop at the docking port. Poe removes his helmet.

"How did you-" I start to say, trying catching my breath from our run.

"Listen," Poe puts up his hand to silence me. "I'm only here to get BB-8. It's really important that-"

"No," I say sternly.

"Just hear me out."

"BB-8 stays with me." My hand trembles at the urge to grab the light saber off of Finn's belt. I clench my fists.

Poe looks off to the side, pressing his lips together and crossing his arms.

Finn steps in between us, holding out his hands. "No one's going anywhere. What do you need from BB-8 exactly?" he asks Poe.

"The memory drive."

"We can't remove her memory," I object. "She'll forget everything. She'll lose all her memories. And it's not fair to her."

"Hold on," Finn says. "Can we just remove the part of the memory you need?" He looks at Poe.

BB-8 beeps behind us.

"She says she only has one memory drive and everything is on it," I repeat for her.

"General Leia sent me to get BB-8." Poe glares at us. "And she wants the light saber returned too. They'll send a fleet after you if you don't consent."

"They don't know where we're going," I reply, crossing my arms.

"They can easily track you."

"Finn? Can we change the tracking signature of the Millennium Falcon to confuse their sensors?"

"No, but I think I have an idea," Finn says, leaving quickly.

"What?" Poe watches him go, a confused look on his face. "Why are you doing this?"

"I'm sorry Poe. I'm going after Snoke and I'm going to kill him. And I'm not leaving BB-8 behind."

"You're making a mistake."

BB-8 rolls back and forth near our feet but doesn't say anything.

"The Resistance can help you," Poe continues. "Why don't you let us help? We need a strategy, a plan."

"No," I shake my head. "They will all just get killed. Don't you see? Snoke won't be defeated that way, with weapons fire and another battle against the First Order. We've tried that. It isn't going to work. I'm the one who has to do it."

There is a moment of silence and even BB-8 stops moving as we wait for Poe's response.

He nods finally, looking down. "I believe in you Rey. Count me in."

* * *

"Run this by me again?" Finn says, rubbing his forehead. We're sitting around the games table, going through a strategy, as Poe insisted we should do before heading out.

"I don't know what to expect when we get there," I say. "If they're on a planet, on a battleship or what. But basically, I'll go to Kylo, Snoke will be expecting me to go straight for him. But he won't be expecting the two of you."

"Or, he might be expecting a whole Resistance army," Poe mumbles.

"Maybe, but I don't think he'll see the two of you as any threat to him," I say. "Finn, you keep the light saber. Snoke will be focused on getting me to join the Dark Side and hopefully ignoring you. So our best bet is for you to strike when he least expects it."

A Reylo Romance: "Don't be Afraid, I Feel it Too"Where stories live. Discover now